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Aqua- the Unforgiving Sea Page 2
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Page 2
Creo walked inside and had taken a deep breath. He noticed that the room itself had been very small and dimly lit. The only light in the room were from the candles that lined the tables in the room. At the table in the back of the room sat a man in a red and white robe. He had a long white beard and wore a golden pendant around his neck. The pendant was in the shape of a star and in the middle of it was a large star shaped diamond. “Hello.” Creo called out.
“Ah, Creo Naviae welcome.” The Seer said. Creo walked towards the table slowly.
“I was told to come and see you father. It is my fifteenth birthday.” Creo explained.
“Oh no my boy I am no priest, you can call me Seer.” The Seer said smiling widely.
Creo had noticed the large crystal sphere in the middle of the table that the Seer was sitting at. He had concluded that the crystal was how he had used his power to see everyone’s future. The crystal had made Creo nervous and a little scared. “Please have a seat.” The Seer said pointing to the chair in front of him.
Creo pulled out the tall chair and sat down, “Does it hurt?” he asked as if he was terrified.
The Seer began to laugh a little, “Oh no my boy it doesn’t hurt at all.” He said. That had definitely made Creo feel a bit better.
Creo, a lowly acolyte was about to hear his destiny from some stranger with a crystal ball. He thought of the whole process as absurd but this was how everyone else in Le’Freya found out their destiny so it was something he just had to accept. “So Creo, you know that on everyone’s fifteenth birthday I make an appointment with them to find out their future role in our society?” the Seer asked him.
“Yes Seer.” Creo said.
“Your parents are undoubtedly clerics, are they not?” the old man asked.
“Yes sir and it is my dream to become one as well. I am only an acolyte.” Creo said to the Seer who was smiling back at him.
The atmosphere in the room began to brighten and had definitely made Creo feel much better at this point. Talking about his dreams and his family had always made him feel better. “Alright Creo, place your hands on the side of the crystal and we will see if that is what your future holds.” The Seer said focusing his mind on the crystal.
Creo slowly placed his hands on the Seer’s crystal in the middle of the table. It was quite cold to the touch. The Seer had done the same on his side and began to mutter something that Creo couldn’t quite understand. After a moment there was a flash of light that shone through the room and the Seer gazed into the crystal. Creo stared at the Seer’s face and noticed something odd. It was as if the old man was disgusted, no horrified at what he had seen. He noticed the Seer shake his head in disbelief. “Is something wrong sir?” Creo asked.
The Seer hesitated to answer, “No not at all Creo. The crystal shows me that you’ll make a fine cleric.” The old man said smiling only faintly this time.
“Thank you, sir.” Creo said practically jumping out of the chair and making his way for the door. He had opened the door to the Seer’s chambers and ran outside. The Seer sank in his chair and shook his head.
“How long have you stood in the shadows Baltier?” the Seer said.
A man had appeared out of the darkness in the room. A knight in white and gold armor stepped forward. “Long enough.” The Knight said. “What was it that you saw in the boy?”
“A mage.” The old man said before sighing heavily stroking his long white beard.
Baltier was startled by this news. “Brahn Naviae’s son is to be a mage?” he said. “That is truly disheartening.”
The knight walked over to the other side of the table to face the Seer. “I take it you know the boy’s family.” The Seer asked him.
“I do, his father and I have been friends since we were boys.” Baltier said. “This weighs heavy on my heart.”
“If you can’t handle it, I can call for someone else.” The Seer said.
Baltier gathered himself and his demeanor suddenly changed. “No, I know what to do. I’ll take two guards with me.” Baltier said. “You should make your report to the High Priest.”
“It shall be done General.” The Seer said watching as Baltier turned and walked out the door. He had acquired two guards as he left the chambers and the three of them had made their way out of Headquarters and down the streets of Lytos.
Chapter 2
That evening Creo had finally arrived home to give his parents the good news. His mother was preparing dinner for them and Finn was sitting in the living room are waiting for him to get back home. His parents had invited his friend over for his birthday dinner to surprise him. “About time, I thought we were going to have to send out a search party.” Finn said as Creo walked through the door.
“I took the long way home.” Creo said. He could smell the dinner that his mother had prepared for them and his mouth had begun to water.
“Welcome home Creo.” His mother said walking in to the room from the kitchen. Creo and Finn followed her into the kitchen and sat down at the dinner table. Creo’s father walked through the door only moments later and joined them at the dinner table.
“So how was your appointment son?” his father asked him patiently waiting to hear the good news.
“It was great; he said that I was to become a cleric.” Creo said proudly.
“That is fantastic sweetheart, congratulations.” His mother said smiling.
“We’re very proud of you son, you’ll make a fine cleric.” His father said rubbing his head just as he had always done.
“Yeah you can heal me up after battle; you’ll be my preferred care provider.” Finn said laughing. Creo slapped him in the back of the head.
“Hey what was that for?” Finn asked.
“For being an idiot.” Creo said.
Creo suddenly thought back to the horrible face that the Seer had made while gazing into the crystal. Why did he make that face? Creo hadn’t understood at all, he wish he could have seen exactly what the Seer had seen. “Creo, son did you hear me?” his father asked.
“Sorry dad, I spaced out for a minute.” Creo said.
“I asked you how it feels to know that you’re going to be a cleric just like your old man?” his father asked.
“It feel great dad.” Creo said smiling before biting into a piece of chicken from his plate.
“Hopefully when my birthday comes in a couple of weeks I will find out that I’m to be a Knight of Mercy.” Finn said.
“Only time will tell Finn. “ Creo’s father said.
Creo kicked his friend under the table, Finn knew that Creo hated when he talked about becoming a knight. The look that Creo had given him meant that Finn should shut his mouth. Finn remained silent after that, not wanting to upset his friend further.
Suddenly there was a knock at the door. “I’ll get it.” Creo’s father said excusing himself from the table and making his way into the living room to open the door. When he opened the door he was surprised to find General Baltier and two other Knights of Mercy on his doorstep. “Baltier, to what do we owe this honor?” Brahn asked.
“Good evening Brahn, May I come in?” Baltier asked.
“Of course.” Brahn said moving out of the way so his friend could walk inside. The General had motioned for his men to remain outside the home. Creo, Finn, and Marya walked into the living room and were shocked to see them as well.
“I wish I had come with better news.” Baltier said.
“Brahn what’s going on?” his wife asked him.
The general had pulled out a rolled piece of parchment and handed it to Brahn.
Brahn unrolled it and began to read, he was shocked to find out its contents. “No, this can’t be.” He said horrified.
“I’m sorry Brahn, Creo Naviae you must come with us.” Baltier said.
Marya gripped her son tight and wouldn’t let him go, “What’s going on!?” she shouted.
The guards that were outside now made their way in; they pried the boy away from his mother. “Wh
at the hell is going on Baltier?” Brahn asked.
“The boy is a mage Brahn, or at least he will be.” Baltier said regretfully. “He must be taken into custody, you know our laws.”
“The Seer said I was a cleric, he told me that.” Creo said struggling to break free.
“Creo do not make a scene, you’re lucky the Seer didn’t have you arrested while you were at Headquarters.” The General said.
“He lied to me, the Seer lied to me.” Creo said in shock.
“Creo, it will be okay. We will find out what’s going on.” His father said with tears running down his face.
“Dad I’m scared.” Creo said whimpering.
Brahn saw the fear in his son’s eyes and could hear only his wife in the background screaming and crying. “I know son, be strong.” His father said one last time before he was drug outside the home and the door closed behind him. His father, mother, and best friend gone. The life he knew was suddenly taken from him and he had no idea what was going on. Creo was terrified.
Creo woke up in a cell below the Sanctorum’s Headquarters. It was dark aside from the few lit candles that lined the walls. He could smell mold and rotten flesh coming from the cells beside of him. It had been a terrible place to be, especially for a fifteen-year-old. His eyes were red and swollen from crying. He still had no idea what was going on, however he did know what happened to those accused of being mages. His father had told him before that if anyone was caught being a mage they would be arrested and scheduled for execution. The Sanctorum had seen mages as threats ever since the Magus Wars. He knew what was going to come next and he was terrified.
They had removed all of his clothing and placed him in rags. He felt around his neck for the necklace that his father had given him but it was gone. The only thing he had to remember his family by was gone and it had upset him even more than he already was. He wasn’t a mage at all; he was barely an acolyte let alone a magic using troublemaker. He had hoped that it was all just a mix up and that tomorrow evening he would be home in his warm bed. After a few moments he had heard footsteps coming from the top of the stone steps that lead down to the dungeons.
He saw the bright light from their torch as they passed through the doorway. It was Finn who had come to see him; he was surprised that it hadn’t been his parents. “Finn! Thank Caelum you’re here.” Creo shouted excitedly.
“Calm down Creo before the guards hear you.” Finn said.
Creo pressed his face up against the cold disgusting bars of his cell. “Where are my parents?” Creo asked his friend.
“Creo the Sanctorum called them in for questioning; they are probably with Chancellor Lars right now.” Finn explained. Chancellor Lars, the true face of Lytos. He appeared to be a kind hearted human being bent on helping the people of Lytos. Unfortunately looks can be deceiving. The Chancellor at social functions and on holy days was a completely different person than the Chancellor behind closed doors some said. For all they knew his parents could be in his chambers being tortured to give them whatever information pleased them. Anything that led to Creo’s execution would suffice. He knew that his parents would die to protect him even if he had been a mage, which he wasn’t.
“Any chance of me getting out of here?” Creo asked.
“You had better be praying to Seraphim about that.” Finn said.
Creo beat his head against the bars so hard it blurred his vision. “I’m already way ahead of you on that.” Creo said.
“I don’t understand, how could you hide something like that from me?” Finn asked angrily. “I thought we were friends.”
“What do you mean?” Creo asked.
“The fact that you’re a mage, you idiot.” Finn said.
Creo laughed a little, he still couldn’t understand why people were saying that. “I’m not a mage Finn, I would never keep a secret like that from you or my parents.” He said trying to convince his hard headed friend to believe him.
“Maybe it’s best if we no longer see each other.” Finn said fuming. “If I’m going to be a Knight of Mercy, I can’t be associated with a mage.”
Creo couldn’t believe what he was hearing; his childhood friend that he had known all of his life was deserting him. “Finn have you gone mad? I’m not a mage!” Creo shouted.
“One more thing, your parents asked me to bring you this.” Finn said pulling Creo’s necklace out of his pocket and handing it to him.
“My necklace, but how?” Creo asked curiously.
“Your mother took it from you just before they pulled you away from her. She knew that they would take it from you.” Finn said. “I’m sure they would have thought it was some sort of talisman or something.”
Creo was overjoyed that they had asked his friend to bring it back to him. “Thank you Finn you don’t know what this means to me.” Creo said.
“Yeah well don’t get use to any favors, this is the last time we will see each other as friends.” Finn said trying to force back his emotions.
“Finn it doesn’t have to be this way, I’m telling the truth I’m not a mage.” Creo said as a tear ran down his cheek.
Finn turned towards the steps and began to walk away, “Goodbye Creo.” He said slowly vanishing into the darkness up the stone stairway.
That was it, he had lost his family and his only friend. He had been arrested for a crime he didn’t even commit and now he was rotting in a cell waiting the day that he would be executed. Not much of a life for a fifteen year old. All Creo could do was sit and cry, cry his pathetic self to sleep.
The next morning Creo awoke to the sound of guards banging on his cell door. “Wake up!” one of the knights shouted. Creo rose to his feet slowly. He was exhausted and starving, he had been in that cell for two whole days with no food and only dirty water to drink.
“Where am I going?” he asked weakly.
“The Chancellor has requested your presence for questioning.” The other knight said grabbing his arm and pulling him out of his cell. They were cruel; the whole situation had been unfair and cruel. He was only fifteen; he wasn’t a danger to anyone at all. He walked ahead of the two knights up the stone staircase to the top floor of the dungeon. They made him walk over to the well to bathe. They had removed his rags and left him naked which embarrassed him. They doused him with scalding hot water and laughed as he screamed, then immediately after they had thrown ice cold water on him. They alternated between cold and hot water, torturing him a bit. After he was as clean as he was going to get, they had given him a pair of plain clothes; a solid white shirt and a pair of brown pants. He had put them on and they walked him up the stairs to the upper floors of the Headquarters. It was a long way up which gave him a lot of time to think about questions to ask the Chancellor and things to avoid saying. He grabbed at his chest and held his necklace close. He had hid it underneath his shirt so no one would see it. It was the only thing he had left of his parents just in case he never seen them again.
After a few minutes Creo and the knights had made it to the office of the Chancellor. One of the knights knocked on the door. “You may enter.” A voice said. The knight opened the door and Creo had followed them inside. The Chancellor’s office was the brightest room in all of the Sanctorum. The walls, the ceilings, and even the tile floors were a pearl white. The Chancellor had been a very clean and neat person. There were some gold decorations that lined the walls as well as an old painting of angels. In the back of the room sat the Chancellor’s desk and sitting behind it was Chancellor Lars.
“Ah Creo Naviae, please come in.” the Chancellor said motioning him to a chair in front of his desk. Creo slowly walked over and sat down. He was so nervous that he could throw up only he hadn’t eaten anything to throw up. The guards stood at the door awkwardly while Creo had gotten situated in his seat. “That will be all gentlemen.” Lars said politely. The two knights had left the room leaving Creo and the Chancellor alone.
Creo was in the presence of th
e most powerful man in all of Lytos. He was practically a middle aged man judging by his graying hair and beard. He was rather tall, a lot taller than Creo had been. He wore a white business suit and shoes, and Creo could tell just by looking at him that he was just as vain as everyone in Lytos had painted him to be. “Tea and cookies?” the Chancellor asked him.
“Yes please.” Creo said regretfully. He hated accepting anything from such a despicable man but he hadn’t had anything to eat in days at this point he would break for a morsel of anything.
The Chancellor walked over and served him tea and cookies and sat for a moment watching the boy scarf it all down like a wild animal. “I see someone has a healthy appetite, although I suspect you haven’t eaten a thing in days.” Lars said smiling at Creo.
“No sir.” Creo said as he finished the last of his tea and placed the cup and saucer on the table in front of him.
“Well Creo I wish that you were here under better circumstances.” Chancellor Lars said. “Do you know why you are here?”
Creo nodded, “Yes I am being charged with being a mage which is forbidden by the Praecepta founded by the Sanctorum.” Creo explained. It was a bit thorough for his age; at this point he was showing off.
“Very good. Now I would like to ask you a few questions, would that be alright?” Lars asked sitting on the edge of his desk in front of Creo.
“Yes of course sir.” Creo said.
“Were you born with said magic or were you taught by another mage or magus?” Chancellor Lars asked curiously.
“Neither sir.” Creo said glaring as his inquisitor. They were ridiculous questions and accusations. Creo couldn’t conjure a spell to get himself out of a paper bag let alone harm anyone in Le’Freya.
“Well there is no use in denying it; we have confirmed reports of you using spells while living here in Lytos.” Lars said.