The Fated Swords (Mystics of V'nairia #1) Page 3
Zander knew this guy was on a whole other level but he had to try. If he didn’t do something soon neither he nor Vallus would make it out alive. Zander ran towards his opponent, his sword had struck against Heiro’s; he could feel the immense pressure coming from the mystic’s strength. Zander thought of his friend and how badly hurt he was and that made him even angrier. With all his might he pushed against the blood sword and managed to find an opening and slashed right above Heiro’s left eye. He hit him, he actually damaged him but he had lost his focus for at this moment Heiro delivered a kick across his face knocking back onto the ground.
“You can’t defeat me!” Heiro shouted, as he ran towards Zander.
Zander threw Ivory into the air, just before Heiro had gotten to him. Heiro came down with his blade but Zander rolled to the side barely dodging the blow. Zander grabbed Ivory as it fell into his palm and sliced Heiro diagonally down his side. With the blow came a flash of light, the two of them stood face to face glaring at each other not saying a word. Suddenly the two of the collapsed from exhaustion, all Zander could think about was Vallus and if he would be okay.
Zander woke up in the hospital a few days later, he felt as though he had been sleeping for years. He sat up in his bed and seen the scratches and bruises that Heiro had given him had been bandaged. He instantly thought of Vallus, he jumped up frantically and headed towards the door. Before he could open it he saw the doorknob turn and Kerra entered.
“I see your better.” She said smiling.
“Yeah I feel much better, what happened exactly?” He asked, he had tried to remember what exactly had happened on the battlefield but his memory was cloudy.
“You had fainted from exhaustion, and the militia came and found you. You defeated the mystic and he was captured for questioning.” She explained. Defeated? More like luck, he remembered only striking him twice and neither blow was fatal.
“Where is Vallus?” Zander asked. Kerra had a grim look on her face and Zander feared the worst,
“He is down the hall, he is in a coma and they don’t know when he will wake up.” She said. He immediately ran for the door and went down the hall to Vallus’ room.
He opened the door and saw his friend lying there, he was sleeping peacefully. The only thing that came to mind was Zander looking up at Vallus as he shielded him from the blood swords attack. “It’s my fault, he would have been fine if I helped them; Blitz and Ace would be alive too.” Zander said.
Kerra placed her hand on his shoulder, “It was your first real battle no one is blaming you for anything.” She said trying to comfort him.
He became angry and put his fist through the wall, “That isn’t an excuse!” he shouted.
She could see the pain in his eyes she couldn’t imagine being in the same situation. “Come on we will get you something to eat, you must be hungry? We will come back later.” She asked. He turned to her and nodded; they both walked out the door and left Vallus to rest.
A few hours later, a cloaked figure slipped into Vallus’ room and stood over him examining his body. He pulled out a vial of purple colored liquid from under his cloak. He poured the liquid into Vallus’ mouth, and waited a moment.
Vallus opened his eyes and looked around, “Where am I?” he asked.
“You are in the hospital that was some battle you were in my friend.” The figure said.
Vallus stared up at the figure and could not see his face, “Who are you?” he asked.
The man waved a finger in front of his face, “That is not important at the moment; I have come to offer you a proposition.” The man said.
Vallus sat up and looked around he didn’t see Zander, Kerra, or his sword Ebony in the room. “Where are my friends?” he asked.
The cloaked man laughed, “Friends, oh you mean the two that haven’t come to see you since you have been here; the one that left you to die in the desert and took your sword.” The figure lied.
Vallus shook his head, “No that isn’t true, your lying!” Vallus shouted.
“Don’t you know anything about the twin blades, only those that already possess one sword can wield another, anyone else it would curse.” The man explained. He was right Vallus remembered his father telling him the story of the two blades. “You have no friends now Vallus, but I can give you what you want.” The figure said.
Vallus became curious, “What do you mean what I want.” He asked.
The figure sat down on the side of the bed and took out a black sphere. “I know your longing to stop your father’s revolution, and I can give you the power to do it unimaginable power.” The man said. He was right Vallus did want to stop his father’s revolution, hell he wanted the kingdom all for himself. Power was what Vallus craved and he would do anything to get it.
“What do you want in return?” Vallus asked.
“Simply acquire ivory from Zander and bring the two blades to the shrine inside the northern caves.” The man said handing Vallus the sphere.
“Alright I shall do what you say.” Vallus said as he took the sphere, the power from it surged within him. He could feel ten times as powerful as before. He got up out of bed, and ran out of the hospital in search of Zander, Ebony, and Ivory.
Zander and Kerra rode the elevator to the Supreme Judge’s office; they walked down the long hallway and finally reached his door. They knocked and could hear him tell them to come in.
“Ah Zander, Kerra what a lovely surprise. Have you gone to see Vallus?” Judge Vallerus asked.
Zander saluted him, “Yes sir he is still in a comatose state.” He said.
“I had feared as much, but we have the finest doctors in the city it’s only a matter of time before he wakes up.” Vallerus said assuredly.
“I wanted to bring Ebony to you so you could give it to Vallus when he returns.” Zander said.
“Why that’s very thoughtful of the both of you thank you.” The judge said smiling. There was another tapping at the door, this time Vallus had walked in the office. The three of them were so surprised, “Son your awake!” Vallerus said in amazement.
“How are you feeling Vallus?” Kerra asked.
Vallus walked over to them but he wasn’t smiling like usual, he had a blank expression. “Never better.” He said.
Zander walked over and handed Ebony to him, and Vallus gladly accepted it. “Zander where is Ivory, it is very important that I get it from you.” Vallus said. Judge Vallerus noticed something was wrong, Vallus would never ask for the other blade.
“Why are you asking for it?” his father asked.
“This doesn’t concern you father.” Vallus said. The judge became angry,
“How dare you speak to me that way!” he shouted. Vallus ignored his father’s ramblings.
“Where is it Zander?” Vallus asked. Zander shook his head, “I won’t tell you, something is different about you.” He said.
Vallus laughed, “Well if you won’t hand it over I guess I’ll just have to take it from you.” He said. He held out his hand and his fingertips were glowing with a purple aura, and placed his hand on the ground. “Demonic art: Hellhounds!” he shouted. Five black beasts with red eyes and razor sharp teeth sprang up from the ground.
“What? He can use demon magicks?” Vallerus said.
Vallus whistled and the beasts disappeared. “They will tear the city apart, every last man, woman and child.” He said. They saw the monster before them; this wasn’t Vallus at all it was something else. Vallus drew his blade, “Im going to enjoy hearing your screams as I rip you to pieces.” He said laughing.
Chapter IV
Break Out
The hellhounds had made their way into the city, they were fast and terrifying. They had begun to attack the innocents of the city; the militia had set up squads to strike them down, but they were stronger than average beasts.
“Well father are you prepared to step down permanently?” Vallus asked.
“Vallus please stop this!” Kerra shouted, Vallus had ignored her an
d kept his gaze on his father.
His focus was destroying his father and retrieving Ivory from Zander that was all that mattered at this point. “Zander, Kerra go down and help the guard, I’ll handle my son.” The judge said.
They both ran past Vallus and out of the room. Vallus didn’t follow them for he knew he could finish his father and find them later. “I don’t know what demon has possessed you, but I will drive it out” his father said as he drew his sword.
“You can try father.” Vallus said.
They ran towards each other and exchanged multiple blows. Sparks flew from their steel as they collided with one another. “You’re in way over your head Vallus.” Vallerus explained.
Vallus chuckled, “Its time someone passed judgment on you old man.” He said. The judge hurled a wave of flame at Vallus who easily blocked it. “Demonic Art: Shadow Claw.” Vallus said as his shadow extended and from it came a claw that grabbed Vallerus. It lifted him up off the ground and threw him out the office window. “Flame Art: Fire Stream.” Vallus said as he engulfed his father in flames. The office was five stories up it would kill any normal person, but he knew his father was an exception to this and wouldn’t be killed so easily.
While the battle ensued, Zander and Kerra had already made their way to Kerra’s house and retrieved ivory.
“We need to track one of those things down.” Zander said.
“What are we going to do? That can’t be Vallus he would never attack the city.” Kerra asked. They could feel something was off, they knew Vallus better than anyone and that wasn’t him. “Look Zander its coming!” Kerra shouted pointing to a hellhound running towards them.
Zander drew Ivory from its scabbard and waited for the beast to come closer. “Lightning Art: Thunder Crash!” a voice shouted summoning a bolt of lightning that struck the beast paralyzing it.
“Mother, you’re here.” Kerra said.
Kiarra came running out towards them. Growing up Kerra was always frightened when her mother became angry; she always said her mother shouting sounded like thunder crashing down. “Are you two alright?” she asked them. Zander walked over to the hellhound and thrusted his sword into its skull and they watched as it turned to ash and was swept away by the wind.
“Yes were fine.” Zander said.
“Where is Vallus? Where did these demons come from?” Kerra’s mother asked. It was hard for them to even think about let alone even say it out loud.
“The beasts were summoned by Vallus; he’s in the square fighting his father. We don’t know what’s going on either.” Kerra explained.
“It must have started with the coma, something just isn’t right.” Zander said.
Kiarra thought for a moment on what they should do, “We will go to the square, leave the hounds to the guard.” She said. They ran off toward the square to find Vallus and his father. Hopefully they weren’t too late.
Vallus had jumped out of the office window and met his father on the ground below, Vallerus’ clothes were burned but he had received no damage from the flames or the fall. He was a master of flame magicks and was impervious to them, Vallus had forgotten.
“Well I knew that wouldn’t have finished you, being my old man I know you have quite the few tricks up your sleeve.” Vallus laughed.
“For the good of my kingdom Vallus I swear upon my life I will kill you if I must.” His father stated.
Vallus rubbed the handle of his sword against his head, “Well if you want to go ahead and offer up your life so easily I won’t turn you away.” Vallus said.
Vallerus needed to think of a solution quickly, he didn’t want to kill his own flesh and blood but also didn’t want to see his people dying. This was his kingdom; his responsibility was to protect it no matter what the cost. “Then there is no stopping you, I will just have to put an end to you here.” He told his son.
“Then I shall give you a going away gift, Demonic Art: Greater Demon!” Vallus shouted. It was the same summoning style as before, except for this time Vallus had summoned a giant demon with fangs, giant horns, and a razor-sharp tail. “Kill him” Vallus commanded the beast.
It charged at the judge, extending its long claws trying to strike him. Luckily for Vallerus the beast was slower than he was; all except for the tail which came at him so fast he didn’t have time to block it. The barbs on the tail had dug into his skin and ripped across his side. He regained his composure, leapt into the air and with once swift motion severed the demons arm.
“You won’t defeat my friend here with such normal tactics.” Vallus said smiling. Vallerus looked back to the beast whose arm had grown back.
“It can regenerate parts of its body; it looks like I’m going to have to use that technique.” He thought to himself. He placed to fingers in front of his face, and suddenly his sword vanished. “Enough games I will finish this now!” he shouted. Vallus’ expression had not changed, he was hell bent on destroying his father.
Zander and the others had made their way to the square, and saw the beast that the Supreme Judge was battling.
“What the hell is that thing?” Zander asked.
“It’s a greater demon, far more powerful than the hellhounds.” Kerra said. She had learned all about different types of demons and other creatures from the many books in the Capitals library. Her mother had taught her everything she knew and even trained her in the same arts.
Kiarra had looked over and saw the sign that Vallerus was making and instantly she knew what was coming next. “It’s over, in just a few short moments.” She said. Zander looked over at her,
“What do you mean?” he asked.
“His lordship is preparing his signature move that he once defeated an entire army with, seeing him perform this move never happens unless you’re the one caught in it.” She explained. They watched patiently, the square was quiet neither Vallus nor his father made a move.
“Sacred Art: Dance of a Thousand Deaths!” Vallerus shouted snapping his fingers together. Instantly the beast began to fall apart into small pieces and turned to dust. After the demon was destroyed they looked around to find Vallus but were unsuccessful, he was gone.
They had rushed over and met the Supreme Judge in the square.
“Sir are you alright?” Zander asked.
“I’m fine Zander it’s just a scratch. What of the hellhounds?” he asked.
“The guard had destroyed the rest of them sir.” Zander reported.
Vallerus was indeed relieved the people were safe, “Kiarra I need you to give word to Lieutenant Omak to rally the soldiers and journey to find Vallus in two days’ time.” He had explained to Kerra’s mother.
Kiarra saluted him, “And what should they do once they track him down sir?” she asked. Vallerus turned to walk away and fell silent for a moment,
“He is a traitor to not only his kingdom, but to his home and family; they are to eliminate him on sight.” He said walking away.
This news hit Zander and Kerra hard, this was their best friend and now he was a traitor with a price on his head, and they didn’t know what to do
The next day they had a plan and requested a meeting with the high council. They walked into the large round room, where the judges presided. There were six judges total including the supreme judge and each had mastered a specific element of magicks.
“Zander, Kerra you come before this council today on the matter of my son Vallus?” Judge Vallerus asked.
Zander stepped forward, “Yes your honor we have a plan to bring Vallus back to the city.” He said.
Judge Terrian cleared his throat, “Impossible Vallus was branded a traitor and must be eliminated.” He explained. The rest of the council agreed even Kerra’s mother who had really wanted to help them but would have to betray the entire council and city to do so.
“Then I will accept the responsibility of eliminating Vallus myself, he is like a brother to me please allow me this honor to serve the people of the kingdom?” Zander asked brav
Things were quiet for a moment before judge Vallerus spoke up, “Zander I do hereby grant you the task of elimination of the traitor.” He said.
“Your honor there is another favor we wish to ask.” Kerra said stepping forward.
Vallerus raised an eyebrow, “Go on.” He said.
“Well we need more manpower to carry out this task and we wanted to see if there was any way we could speak with the mystic prisoner Heiro, to see if he will lend us his blade on the journey?” She asked.
The court began to laugh, “Are you out of your minds? That man is a criminal who deserves to rot behind bars.” Judge Durga said.
“Request denied you may depart at daybreak tomorrow; you are dismissed.” Judge Vallerus said. That was what Zander had thought they were going to say, it was up to the two of them to bring Vallus back and without any help they didn’t know how they were going to do it. They gathered what was left of themselves up and left the chamber.
“Want me to walk you home?” Zander asked.
“Well now, quite the gentlemen aren’t we?” Kerra asked smiling.
Zander began to laugh, “We will get through this, Vallus won’t die we will save him from whatever is going on with him.” He reassured her.
She grabbed his hand and held it, “I know we will, I believe in you Mr. Gentleman but now we can’t get Heiro to help us.” Kerra said.
Zander looked over at her and smiled, “Who said we couldn’t break him out ourselves?” he asked.
Kerra was shocked he had just proposed they break the law. “Are you crazy? They will kill us.” She asked.
“No he isn’t crazy, he’s determined” Kiarra said sneaking up behind them. Zander and Kerra both jumped out of their skin,
“Mom how long have you been there?” Kerra asked.
Kiarra laughed, “Long enough, and Zanders plan isn’t crazy you’ll just have to have a way into the underground holding cell.” Kiarra explained.