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Aqua- the Unforgiving Sea Page 5
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Page 5
“It is nice to meet you as well.” Creo said not knowing what else to say, he had never had any luck with talking to girls at all.
“Well come inside the both of you, dinner is ready.” Emelia said kindly. “I hope that you’re staying for dinner Creo.”
She motioned for them to come inside and they obliged. “Of course if that’s not too much trouble.” He said.
“No trouble at all, please both of you have a seat at the table.” She said pointing to a small wooden table in the corner of the kitchen that had three small wooden chairs around it.
Creo and Cyrus sat down at the table and Emelia brought over two cups full of piping hot tea with lemon. She had placed a cup in front of Cyrus and then Creo. “Thank you.” Creo said respectfully. Emelia had nodded slightly in appreciation.
Creo looked around Emelia’s home; it was a small, quaint little stone house. The living area, kitchen, and dining room were all one large room and there had been one bed room and bathroom in the back of the house. It had been the perfect size for one person and it had seemed so cozy. It had definitely made Creo feel welcomed. Lining the walls had been portraits of Emelia and Cyrus but none of the rest of their family.
“So Creo are you from Levian” Emelia asked him politely putting a plate of food in front of him.
Creo would have given anything to dig into his food and start devouring it. He had decided to hold off for a moment to not seem rude. “Yes my family and I have always lived in Levian.” Creo lied. He hated to lie especially to such good people he had only just met but in his current situation it couldn’t be helped. He couldn’t afford to make any mistakes.
Cyrus looked over at Emelia and shook his head, “Don’t mention his family Emelia, Creo is an orphan.” Leaning over to whisper in her ear, however he had no idea just how terrible at whispering he really was. Creo could hear him clearly.
“Oh Creo I’m so sorry, I didn’t know.” Emelia said with sympathy in her eyes. Creo could see Cyrus roll his eyes and sigh from across the table. Apparently his sister didn’t get the hint that the whispering in her ear was to no longer draw attention to the subject.
“Oh it’s alright Emelia, it was some time ago.” Creo said lying once again. It had seemed to be a pattern with him lately.
“Creo is an acolyte at the cathedral, surely you have noticed him there Emelia.” Cyrus said trying to quickly change their conversation.
Emelia rose from the table and removed some plates from the cupboard behind her and filled them with the delicious meal she had prepared. She had placed the plates in front of Cyrus and Creo who had immediately dug in forgetting their manners. She had prepared a roast with potatoes, rice, and cooked greens. It had been the only decent thing Creo had eaten since before he left Lytos. He had tried hard not to compare Emelia’s cooking with his mothers but by the time he was finished with his meal Emelia would have won.
“Oh really, I should have guessed from the robes you were wearing Creo.” Emelia said. “I don’t recall ever seeing you at the Cathedral or the day of worship service.”
“I tend to make myself scarce.” He said just before shoving a spoonful of food into his mouth to keep quiet.
“Yes, Emelia is one of the best clerics in Levian, instead of the infirmary she had chosen to work in the Cathedral.” Cyrus explained.
“Dammit.” Creo thought to himself. She was a cleric that worked in the Cathedral. She wasn’t going to buy his story at all. Of course a professional cleric would have noticed a lowly acolyte working at the Cathedral. After all there were never that many acolytes in each kingdom’s respected Cathedrals anyway. He was about to be caught and thrown out, or worse the guards would be after him.
Emelia stared at him hard for a moment. Creo’s heart nearly jumped up through his throat and out of his mouth and onto the kitchen table. After a moment her expression softened, “Well I’m sure I will notice you from now on. I’m sorry about that.” She said kindly.
There it was, and Creo was relieved. Emelia and Cyrus were completely and utterly oblivious. Even after lie after lie Creo had managed to save his own hide. Numina be praised for naivety and the people that wore it like a shining gold banner. Creo could just picture Cyrus and his sister in his head standing in front of an audience in the Cathedral wearing gold banners across their chests that read: “Naïve.”
“So I guess we should get ready for bed then.” Cyrus said. “We have to get up early tomorrow.”
“Get up early?” Creo asked.
Cyrus and Emelia chuckled, “Yes of course tomorrow is the day of worship.” She explained. “Would you like to stay with us tonight Creo?”
He had completely forgotten, tomorrow was the day of worship and he was in trouble, deep trouble. He didn’t know anyone at the Cathedral; he had never been to Levian’s Cathedral. He was going to be found out, he was going to be caught, thrown in a cell, and executed. It was all going to be over for him.
“Well I should really get back to-“Creo started.
“Of course he will stay.” Cyrus said smiling at his new friend.
“Of course, thank you.” Creo said apprehensively.
“Then I shall get you some blankets, excuse me.” Emelia said as she left the table and walked into the back room.
Cyrus and Creo both gotten up from the table and helped Emelia clean up the kitchen and the three of them had went to bed immediately after so they could get up early the next day. The day that Creo was dreading more than any other day. The day he was to be caught by the Levian guards. The first day of the very last of his days.
Chapter 5
Lucius sat upon his black throne in the heart of the Infernum. The throne was surrounded by skulls and bones on a bed of black coals covered in ash. The throne was a symbol; a symbol of his rise to power after his father had been defeated by the Archangels of Caelum. The Infernum was a wasteland of souls that left their mortal bodies after death. Those souls that are damned for all eternity to live in confinement, to live in constant torture. The Infernum was hotter than any mere mortal could imagine. Hot enough to melt the flesh off of any humana in a matter of seconds. This was Lucius’ permanent home, so it seemed at least. He hated being confined to such a dark and dank prison. He had always wanted to take his maliciousness and mischief out into the middle plane; out into Le’Freya.
The dark steel gates of the Infernum suddenly opened, someone had arrived unannounced. Lucius had hated it when others had arrived uninvited. He incinerated the last intruder and reduced them to a pile of ash without so much as a word of warning. He didn’t have patience enough to toy with his victims like his father had before him. He wanted to get rid of pests quickly and move on.
A figure appeared at the gates, a tall man with black hair that carried a sword on his side. He worn a long black cape that moved gracefully as he walked towards Lucius with a look of irritability.
“Sebastian, what an unpleasant surprise.” Lucius said.
“Likewise Lucius.” Sebastian said.
“You had better brought what I asked of you, I’d hate to have to kill you this time.” Lucius said in a menacing tone. He had almost made it sarcastic sounding but he had been dead serious and Sebastian knew he was one to keep his word.
“Don’t worry; I’ve brought you your precious stone this time.” Sebastian said pulling a black stone from his pocket and throwing it to Lucius who had caught it excitedly.
Lucius examined the stone and smiled widely, he had almost never smiled. “You actually managed to obtain the Onyxite.” He said.
Sebastian walked forward moving his hand through his thick black hair as wiping the sweat from his brow. “Yes I even have the scars to prove it.” He said.
“Nonetheless, you actually managed to accomplish something this time.” Lucius said. “For this you can keep that floating island I had created for you.”
“It isn’t just some floating island, it is now the newly formed kingdom of darkness; Tenebris.” Sebastian corrected him.
Lucius continued to glare at the stone, “You know one would argue that this is the kingdom of darkness and I would be the lord of darkness.” He said which had immediately annoyed Sebastian.
“I’m talking about the kingdom of dark magic. It is the new element we created.” Sebastian said.
Lucius walked over to the other side of the cavern which contained a strange looking stone door. The door had seven ancient runes carved into it. “I take it you don’t understand sarcasm well.” He said trying to get on Sebastian’s nerves.
“This door is the reason you needed the Onyxite?” Sebastian asked. “What is behind the door?”
“Behind this door are the Seven Seins of the Infernum.” Lucius said. “They were sealed away after my father had been defeated by the Archangel Castien during the Magus War.”
“What are the Seven Seins?” Sebastian asked.
“Lust, Envy, Gluttony, Pride, Sloth, Greed, and Wrath. They are the Seven Seins of the Infernum.” Lucius explained. “The only way to break the ancient seal on this door is to use the Onyxite to dispel it.”
Lucius pressed the Onyxite against the stone door and waited a moment. The stone suddenly reacted to the invisible barrier covering the door and dispelled the magic keeping it closed. Lucius placed his hand on the door as a red aura began to glow from within. After a few moments the door opened slowly. Sebastian could see several sets of glowing red eyes peering at them from inside the dark room in front of them.
“Are we free?” a voice asked weakly.
“Yes, I Lucius lord of the Infernum have set you free from your prison.” Lucius said. Seven shadowy figures appeared from inside the door. They were the most ghastly of creatures Sebastian had ever seen. This had been Lucius’ father’s army, these seven daemons.
“What is it that you ask of us sire?” Lust asked winking at him.
“I require the remaining six elementite; you must not allow them to get in the hands of the mages.” Lucius said waving the Onyxite at them. Sebastian had gathered that the stone he had found had been one of the seven elementite stones.
“Ha you expect the seven of them to go out into Le’Freya looking like that?” Sebastian asked. “They will be hunted by every kingdom.”
“That is certainly a good point.” Pride said.
Suddenly the seven creatures before them had taken on the appearances of humana. Sebastian had no idea that these daemons had such abilities. “Lord Lucius do you require anything of me?” Sebastian asked.
“Not at the moment, for now make sure you keep out of sight and not under any circumstances should that floating heap of rock be seen.” Lucius commanded. “After that stunt you pulled today, I’m surprised the kingdoms aren’t preparing an attack.
“As you wish.” Sebastian said walking toward the gate of the Infernum and passing through the portal to return to his world.
Lucius looked down at the Onyxite once more, he had already obtained one piece of the puzzle and with the Seins at his disposal he would see to it that he acquired the other six. “Go now and recover the stones for me, I have big plans for the middle plane.” Lucius said walking back over to his black thrown in the back of the cavern. He sat and watched as the Sein fled the Infernum one by one each in search of a particular elemental stone. The only ones that could get in the way now were the Archangels and the Mages.
“Creo wake up.” A voiced said. Creo could feel someone trying to shake him awake. He knocked their hand away with his own and pulled the blanket over his head mumbling to himself.
“Clearly someone isn’t a morning person.” The voice said; it was Cyrus.
Emelia emerged from her bedroom in her Cleric robes, “Is Creo still in bed?” she asked. “Honestly Cyrus you would think for once you would listen to your older sister.”
“Oh no, you’re not pinning this on me, I’ve been trying to get him out of the bloody bed for ten minutes now.” Cyrus said arguing with her.
Suddenly the three of them could hear the bells of the Cathedral ringing loudly throughout Levian. Creo noticed that the ringing was louder than it had been in Lytos, this must have meant that the Cathedral had been closer to Emelia’s home than he had thought. He rose up and threw the blanket off of him and rubbed the sleep from his eyes.
“Did you sleep well Creo?” Emelia asked him handing him a cup of tea.
“Yes thank you. I slept incredibly well.” Creo said before taking a sip of tea.
“Ha that’s not the phrase I would use.” Cyrus said taking his index finger and poking Creo hard in the forehead. “More like he slept like the dead.” Apparently Cyrus had found his own joke funny but sadly no one else in the room had.
“Alright well Creo you should hurry and get ready, we will be leaving for the Cathedral soon.” Emelia said. “You don’t want to be late.”
The Cathedral. Creo had forgotten all about it until it was mentioned. Not even the ringing of the bells had reminded him that today had been the day of the weekly worship service. He suddenly felt nauseous as he hurried to dress himself. He had liked Cyrus and Emelia and didn’t want them to find out that he had been lying to them. Nor did he want anyone in Levian to find out his little secret and have the guards take him away. Creo tugged at the top of his robes surrounding his neck, the very thought of being back in a cell was suffocating him.
“Creo, are you alright?” Emelia asked seeming concerned.
“Yeah I’m-I’m alright.” He replied slowly.
“Well let’s go then, were going to be late.” Cyrus said from across the room as he opened the front door and motioned the two of them to make their way outside. He closed the door behind them and together they walked down the street toward the Cathedral.
Creo had been right to guess the location of the Cathedral. They merely had to take a right and two lefts down the street and they were there. The Levian Cathedral stood before them in all its glorious splendor. The building was of the same design as the Cathedral in Lytos.
Somehow it had given Creo a sort of comfort in knowing that it had been the same. He was still nauseous and terrified not knowing what events were about to take place inside, but nonetheless it had given him a glimmer of hope even if only for a moment.
The three of them walked up the stone steps of the Cathedral; Cyrus pushed the brown doors open and held it open for them. On the doors Creo noticed the mosaics of Aquarus sitting on a singular rock in the middle of the ocean. The mosaics were exactly like the ones on the Cathedral back home except in those mosaics Seraphim was depicted flying above the clouds with her flaming sword in hand.
He subconsciously compared the two pictures. Levian’s mosaic depiction of Aquarus was more calming while the one of Seraphim had been more fearful. Creo wondered what the remaining Numina must be like. He had only seen Aquarus and the three headed dragon and had only heard stories of the others. Only time would tell what other amazing sights he would get to look upon.
The people of Levian were quiet as they entered the Cathedral in orderly fashion; one by one walking into their holy sanctuary to worship their goddess. Aquarus was their source of strength and hope, Creo had to remember that whilst he was here he would have to blend in to avoid being noticed. Cyrus walked over and sat down in the pews with the other residents while Emelia walked over and stood beside the priest at the altar. Creo could see the other acolytes standing behind the altar; he had thought it best to join them just as his job would have been in Lytos during the weekly service. He made his way over to his acolyte brethren and put up his hood just as the others had done.
“We are ready to begin father.” Emelia said leaning over to whisper in the priest’s ear.
The old man had nodded and proceeded to clear his throat, “Brothers and sisters once again we have gathered in this sacred place to praise our beloved Aquarus and give thanks for her protection.” He said. “Please let us bow our heads in silence and pray to Aquarus for blessings of peace and prosperity.”
eryone in the room had bowed their heads, each muttering their own prayers to their goddess. Creo didn’t bow his head as much as he had wanted to he couldn’t look away. He noticed a bright blue crystal sitting in the center of the altar. It had been a brilliant combination of cerulean and teal. The stone’s radiance glistening within his eyes. It was almost as if it had placed him in some sort of trance. It was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.
After a moment or two the prayer was finished and everyone raised their heads to look up at the priest at the front of the room. Creo could no longer see the crystal as well as he could before. There were others blocking it from his view, he became angry and he didn’t understand why. It was a sort of rage that shouldn’t have been there, Creo had always been a sensitive and compassionate person. It was the crystal; it stirred anger from within him. He longed to hold it, the feeling was almost unbearable.
“Brothers and sisters, I bring good tidings this day for Lady Aquarus has spoken to me in a dream.” The priest said. “She has spoken to me about the peace that we have longed for; I stand before you today humbled to hear her words.”
The priest’s words seemed to uplift the mood in the room. The people sitting in the pews began to sit up and listen more attentively. It was unlike the worship services in Lytos. “My friends Aquarus has told me that the wait for peace is over. The peace that we have longed for is finally here!” the old man shouted. The citizens of Levian rose from their seats cheering and applauding the priest. It was the news of the century, somehow the news made Creo skeptical.
“Sister Emelia, bring me the aquacite.” The priest commanded.
“Right away father.” Emelia said walking over to the altar and removing the blue stone. She had walked it over to the priest and handed it to him.
The priest raised the stone high in the air above him for all to see. “The almighty aquacite, the very source of Aquarus’ power and the hallowed treasure of Levian.” He said. “With this stone in our hands, we are bonded with the Goddess of the Sea and we are under her protection.”