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Aqua- the Unforgiving Sea Page 8

  “No not at all.” The boy replied.

  “Mage’s are born with an energy inside them, that energy is known as mana.” Vaahn said. “With mana we can produce many different spells that have many different uses.”

  “Can you show me a spell?” Creo said.

  Vaahn nodded slowly, “Watch closely.”

  Creo watched as Vaahn concentrated hard of the palm of his hand. He noticed his eyes that were now flashing a bright red and orange mixture of colors.

  “Ignis.” Vaahn said in a strange language that Creo had never heard before. A ball of bright flames appeared into to the palm of his hand. After a moment he closed his palm and the flames were gone.

  “That is incredible!” Creo said almost jumping out of his seat.

  “That is only a fire element spell, there are many types of spells that can be produced by the right mage.” Vaahn said. “Why don’t you try conjuring something.”

  “Me?” Creo asked pointing to himself.

  “Of course, you are destined to be a mage after all.” Vaahn said confidently. “Let’s see what you can do.”

  “Alright, how do I start?” Creo asked.

  “All you need to do is focus on gathering the mana from within yourself and simply say the word ignis.” Vaahn said. “That means fire in our language.”

  “Okay.” Creo said closing his eyes.

  He had focused and breathed in deeply. He had tried to gather the energy from within himself, but he could not feel anything happening.

  “Ignis!” he shouted.

  Nothing happened.

  “How strange.” Vaahn said raising his brow.

  “What is it?” Creo asked.

  Vaahn thought it odd that Creo couldn’t produce even the smallest puff of smoke. Even the most novice of mages could produce something. It confused Vaahn beyond comprehension.

  “Nothing, we will keep trying.” Vaahn said smiling at Creo.

  “Vaahn?” Creo said.

  “Yes Creo?” His master asked.

  “Do you think my family are still alive?” Creo asked.

  Vaahn wasn’t surprised, of course the boy would want to know if his family was okay. Being ripped away from your family at such a young age only to watch them being attacked soon after was quite an ordeal.

  “I won’t lie to you Creo, to survive such a powerful attack from a Numina is very rare. But you must never give up believing.” His master said.

  Hearing Vaahn’s words gave him mixed feelings, but nonetheless he was grateful that he was willing to help him. Perhaps Vaahn would help him find his parents eventually. Creo could only hope.

  “What about the man who summoned the dragon or the floating island?” Creo asked. “Do you know where they are, or who the man is?”

  Vaahn shook his head, “No we do not but the Magusellum is looking into it. No need to worry.”

  Suddenly there was a knock at the door.


  Lust got down on all fours and her jaw began to dislocate itself making her mouth wider. Her mouth widened revealing her razor-sharp teeth. On the outside of her mouth a black ball of energy began to grow, gathering energy with each passing second.

  “What in the hell is she?” Cyrus asked himself as he stared down at her. “Luckily that blast will be a straight beam allowing me to dodge it easily with Valefore’s agility.”

  After a few moments the black ball of energy was five times the size of Lust’s slender body. She began to shriek in a high-pitched scream. “Die!” the daemon shouted firing the black beam of energy into the air towards Cyrus and his Numina.

  Cryrus guided Valefore to the left, out of the beams path, missing Lust’s fatal attack. He then had taken the opportunity to move in to strike her.

  Lust began to laugh devilishly, “Not so fast boy!”

  The energy beam in the air above Cyrus and Valefore dispersed into smaller beans that turned and rapidly fell from the sky.

  Cyrus looked behind him and could see the real attack coming. “She tricked me.” He said to himself.

  As the beams fell all around him, he tried carefully to use his Numina’s speed and agility to dodge the attacks but there was too many. Two of the beams had struck Valefore knocking it out of the sky. As Valefore hit the ground, the Numina shadow had disappeared leaving Cyrus lying on the cold sand barely able to move from the fall. He looked over to his left to see his summon tome lying a few feet from him out of reach.

  “I’ve got to summon Aquarus.” He said trying to sit up.

  Lust suddenly walked over and used her heel to knock him flat on his back. Her arm suddenly transformed into a black sword. “Time to end this.” She said smiling.

  Before her blade could touch Cyrus, a bright burning light appeared blinding Lust causing her to step backward. The light began burning her pale body. Cyrus could hear her screams as he tried to stay awake.

  He struggled to sit up but managed for only a moment. He had looked over and the pale daemon in black was gone. Lust had fled, he knew that she couldn’t have been defeated that easily. He breathed in deeply one good time and exhaled falling backwards, blacking out. Whoever or whatever had produced that bright light he hadn’t known but even still he was forever grateful.

  Chapter 9

  “Come in.” Vaahn said.

  As the door opened a tall darker skinned man walked into the room. He had a black beard and mustache and long black curly hair. On his head sat a brown hat with a feather sticking out the side.

  “I hope I am not interrupting anything.” The man said bowing courteously removing his hat and then placing it back on his head as he rose.

  “Ah the great Heraldo Houdina, to what do I owe this unpleasant surprise.” Vaahn said.

  “Master Vaahn, you kill me with such jokes.” The man said. “I have come to see if the rumors were true.”

  “Rumors?” Vaahn asked.

  “Yes, I hear you have taken the boy from your mission as your apprentice.” Heraldo said. “Everyone is talking about it.”

  “Yes, it is true, myself and the other masters see great potential in this boy.” Vaahn said. “So, I was given the task of training him.

  “I see.” The man in the brown hat said looking down at Creo. “Heraldo Houdina at your service.”

  The man had held out his hand, Creo grabbed it with his own and politely shook it. “It’s nice to meet you, I am Creo Naviae.”

  “Likewise, Creo Naviae. I expect great things from you.” Heraldo said.

  “If that is all Heraldo, we have training to do.” Vaahn said.

  “Of course, how rude of me.” The man said. “I shall leave you to it then, I did not mean to intrude.”

  Heraldo bowed once more before turning toward the door, opening it up and closing it behind him as he exited the room.

  “Who was that?” Creo asked.

  “That was Heraldo Houdina, another mage that lives here.” Vaahn said. “He is a man you would do well to stay away from.”

  “He is a mage as well?” Creo asked.

  “Yes, a mage with the ability to control metal at will.” Vaahn replied. “We do not get along well you could say.”

  “Why is that?” Creo asked curiously.

  “We had competed against one another in the master exam and he lost, so I was named a master mage and was given a place on the Magusellum.” Vaahn said.

  “I see.” Creo said.

  “Enough about him, we have more work to do.” Master Vaahn said.

  Right.” Creo smiled.


  In Aerian, Chancellor Oriander sat at his desk in his large circular office at headquarters. “Cyrus, what have you gotten yourself into now?” he said staring at a portrait of his family that sat on his desk.

  Suddenly there was a quick tapping at the door.

  “Come in.” the Chancellor said.

  The door opened slowly and in walked a taller man with long white hair that curled towards the bottom. He was in armor, like that of the Knig
hts of Mercy’s armor except the color was that of freshly fallen snow.

  “You called for me father?” the man asked closing the door behind him.

  “Yes, my son, please have a seat.” The Chancellor said pointing to a chair that sat in front of his desk.

  “As much as I love to see you father, I am a bit busy of late.” Sydolfus said walking over and sitting down in the chair in front of his father.

  “I understand son, but I have called you here because of your brother.” His father said.

  His son laughed, “How goes the runt’s pilgrimage.” Sydolfus asked.

  His father hadn’t laughed, nor had he made any facial expression that made it seem as though it were good news.

  “Your brother is in Levian Sydolfus, my guess is that he has acquired Aquarus by now.” His father said.

  “I’m sure he is paying a visit to the traitor as well.” his oldest son said. “You know of his fondness for his dear sister.”

  “That is not why I have called you here my son.” Chancellor Oriander said gravely.

  “Then get on with it father, I have business to attend too.” Sydolfus demanded.

  “Cyrus has befriended a mage it would seem.” His father said. “I was sent reports from one of my men stationed in Levian, I have been watching your brother’s movements since he left home.”

  “Your sure?” Sydolfus asked jumping up out of his seat.

  “Yes, the description of the boy he has been spotted with matches that of the execution notice from Lytos.” Oriander said. “This Creo Naviae seems to have your dear brother’s trust.”

  “Say no more father, I will deal with them immediately.” Sydolfus said getting up from his chair and heading for the door. “I will go and have Tempest prepared for flight.”

  His father shook his head, “No need, your skyship is already ready to depart.”

  “I shall take my leave then.” Sydolfus said. “First my sister, and now my baby brother.”

  The Chancellor’s son walked out of the room and closed the door behind him.


  Cyrus opened his eyes and immediately placed his hand on his forehead. He could see the ceiling fan that spun in the middle of Emelia’s home up above him. “I’m here?” he asked himself.

  He slowly sat up and looked around him.

  “Slow down little brother, no quick movements.” Emelia said from behind him laying him back down.

  “What happened.” He asked her.

  “I had gone out looking for you and finally found you lying unconscious near the docks.” Emelia explained. “You were beaten up pretty badly.

  Cyrus immediately thought back to the face Lust had made right before the light had sent her away.

  “What the hell was that light?” he asked himself. “Where did the Daemon go?”

  “Was it Lust?” Emelia asked. “Did you fight her?”

  “Yes, but regretfully she got away.” Cyrus replied.

  “Cyrus, what if the Sanctorum found out that you disobeyed the Chancellor?” his sister asked frantically. “You could be arrested.”

  “It’s alright now sister, don’t worry about such trivial matters.” Cyrus said trying to console her.

  Cyrus looked around the room, “Where is Creo?” he asked.

  “Last night a cloaked man came by and said that they had important things to discuss and he ran off.” Emelia said.

  “That’s rather peculiar.” Cyrus said.

  “I thought so as well, but Creo said not to worry.” Emelia said.

  “Perhaps we should go looking for him?” Cyrus asked his sister.

  Emelia had a concerned look on her face, “Aren’t you hurt?” she asked. “My healing magic hasn’t had enough time to work yet.”

  “I’m fine Emelia, let’s go find our new friend eh?” he asked her smiling. “Creo has a lot of things going for him but street smarts are not one of them.”

  “Alright.” She said nodded smiling back at him.

  They had both walked over to the door and stepped outside into the city in search of Creo and the mysterious cloaked man.

  Chapter 10

  Lucius sat upon his throne in the middle of the Infernum when he heard the large gate open. The shadow of a figure came into view inside the thick smoke and falling ash.

  “What took you so long?” Lucius asked angrily, his eyes glowing a bright red.

  The figure walked out of the smoke and knelt before the thrown, it was Lust returning from her battle in Levian. “My apologies my lord, I had a bit of trouble returning.” She said.

  “You fool, it seems as though the trouble had taken care of you.” The lord of the Infernum said glancing at the wounds on Lust’s human body.

  “A minor setback, I was just about to finish the boy when a mage showed up and struck me with their magic.” Lust explained. “It will not happen again my lord.”

  “See that it doesn’t, or else I will tear you into tiny pieces and feed you to the damned souls of this world.” Lucius said smiling at her from his seat of power.

  Lust grabbed her throat and swallowed hard, “Yes my lord.” She said frightened.

  A voice began laughing in the distance, “Ah my poor sister, you look like hell.”

  Lust turned her head to find Envy appearing from her right side through the smoke. Envy ran her hand through her short green hair and her hazel eyes glowed brightly in the dark dank underworld.

  Lust ignored Envy’s comment and rose to her feet.

  Envy began to circle her sister and made a rather displeased face. “Ah but master it seems as though Lust returns without the aquacite.” Envy said knowing it would anger her sister further.

  “You snake!” Lust shouted at Envy.

  Envy smiled devilishly, knowing that she had hit just the right spot to set her off.

  “What!?” Lucius shouted in anger slamming his fist down on one of the armrests of his throne. This sent a geyser of flame shooting up out of the ground near Lust. She could feel the intense heat of the flames come up beside her.

  “I can explain my lord.” Lust began.

  “Silence!” Lucius shouted once more. “How dare you enter the Infernum without the treasure I desire, it was a simple task.”

  “I had the aquacite, I simply handed it off for another purpose that would help us greatly.” Lust said confident of her plan.

  “What could possibly be so important that you would entrust such power to another?” Lucius asked.

  “There is a mage with darkness in his heart, betrayed by his fellow mages.” Lust replied. “He will expose the location of the mages and kill the one whose death you desire most.”

  “You speak of Vagrante, the master mage?” Lucius asked.

  “No, my lord Vagrante died of old age nearly five years ago.” Lust explained. “The master mage I speak of is his son Vaahn.”

  “Vagrante had a son?” Lucius asked. “Oh, this is perfect, I will make him pay for Vagrante sealing my father away with those damned angels.”

  “Ha we shall see if your so-called plan provides us with much needed results sister.” Envy said walking back through the smoke deeper into the Infernum.

  “This plan had better not fail Lust.” Lucius said. “Make sure you retrieve the aquacite as well, once everything is said and done.”

  “Of course, sir.” Lust said walking back towards the gates of the Infernum to make her way back to Levian.


  Later that evening a knock came to Chancellor Gato’s office door.

  “Who could that be at this hour?” the chancellor asked. He sat at his large wooden desk in his office signing paperwork. “Come in.” he said to the person on the other side of the door.

  The door opened slowly to reveal Heraldo Houdina standing on the other side. He quickly slipped inside and closed the door behind him.

  “Good evening Chancellor.” Heraldo said bowing courteously and removing his hat.

  “You?” Gato asked. “How many times have I
told you not to meet me at Headquarters? What if someone sees you or finds out what you are?”

  “Relax my dear chancellor, no one saw me. It is rather late you know.” Houdina said.

  Chancellor Gato rubbed his temples impatiently. “Why are you here Houdina?”

  “I have the information you need, all I ask for is a full pardon from the Sanctorum.” Heraldo said trying to negotiate.

  Chancellor Gato jumped up out of his seat, “The location of the mages!?” he asked.

  “Yes of course, I can lead you and the Sanctorum to them in exchange for a pardon.” Houdina said smiling.

  “Why shouldn’t I just have you arrested right now?” the chancellor asked. “Then I could torture you until give me the location.”

  Heraldo began to laugh, “That is true, you could have me arrested. But I assure you that you would be dead before your men arrived.” He said making a long blade appear from under his cloak that rested against Gato’s neck. It came out of nowhere in the blink of an eye.

  “You really are the master of metal.” The chancellor said.

  “The very same.” Houdina smiled confidently.

  “Alright, alright you can have your pardon.” Gato said.

  “Excellent, I’m glad that we could come that an agreement.” Heraldo Houdina said.

  “Good now get out, we will contact you tomorrow for the operation.” Gato commanded.

  Houdina turned to head for the door and then stopped, “Oh and I’m sure by now you have heard of the boy that was sent to Levian to await his execution?” he asked.

  The chancellor had a confused look on his face, “Yes of course, that memo was sent over from Chancellor Lars of Lytos only a day or two ago. It didn’t have a name only a description.” He said.

  Heraldo Houdina turned and smiled widely, “The boy’s name is Creo Naviae, and he is currently being trained by one of the master mages of the Magusellum.”

  The chancellors face turned the color of blood, “I had the traitor in my office!” he shouted. “He is posing as an acolyte in Levian’s cathedral.”

  “How interesting that a mage sat right here in your office, lied to your face and you were none the wiser.” Houdina said mocking the chancellor. “You clerical types really are as dumb as you look.”