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Aqua- the Unforgiving Sea Page 9
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Page 9
“Bastard.” Gato said under his breath.
“So, what will you do about the boy?” Houdina asked.
The chancellor thought for a moment on the perfect plan to do away with the traitor and his teacher, and then it hit him. He stood up from his desk and walked behind him to the map on the wall in the back of the room.
“You will lead the boy and his master here during the operation and we will take care of the rest.” Gato said pointing to the map.
Of course, chancellor.” Houdina said bowing once more before making his exit out the office door.
Emelia and Cyrus walked the streets of Levian for hours but Creo was nowhere to be found.
“We have searched the whole city by now Emelia.” Cyrus said. “What if he left the city?”
“No, your wrong.” Emelia said arguing. “He wouldn’t have done that, he would have said goodbye.”
“You know that for certain?” Cyrus asked his sister. “We have only known him a few days.”
Emelia knew that what her brother was saying made sense. They hadn’t known Creo for very long, but she could just feel inside that something was wrong.
“We have to keep searching Cyrus!” she shouted.
“Listen to yourself!” her brother shouted back. “Have you gone mad?”
“Creo is our friend and he would do the same for us, I just know that he would.” Emelia said.
“There’s no point in arguing with a stubborn woman.” Cyrus said looking up at the sky.
“What?” Emelia asked.
“It’s something that Sydolfus used to say.” Cyrus explained. “There’s no point in arguing with a stubborn woman.”
“How is brother?” Emelia asked, hesitant at first. “Mother and father?”
“They are how they have always have been, Oriander this and Oriander that.” Cyrus said. “Our family is doomed to a life filled with vanity.”
“Do they…do they ever ask about me?” Emelia asked.
Her brother tried so hard not to answer, but he knew all too well how persistent his sister really was.
“No, they do not Emelia, I’m sorry.” Cyrus said with a heavy heart. “I wish that I could change the way they think.”
“It is alright Cyrus, I’m just glad that you are here by my side.” Emelia said smiling as a single tear fell from her eyes and down her pale cheeks.
Cyrus knew that behind that beautiful smile of hers, was a wound that would never heal. She longed for the embrace of her mother and for the acceptance of her father and eldest brother, but she knew full well she would never have those things. The Orianders were many things but kind and forgiving were not one of them.
“Let’s go home, maybe he will show up tomorrow.” Cyrus said.
“Maybe you’re right.” Emelia said.
“Tomorrow we will go to the skyship hangar, I will need to buy my ticket for the next kingdom.” Cyrus said. “I will have to depart soon to finish my pilgrimage.”
“Alright brother.” Emelia said linking arms with him.
The two walked back to Emelia’s home to rest for the night hoping to find Creo there.
Chapter 11
Creo suddenly awoke to pitch black darkness, one that was all too familiar. He slowly rose to his feet while feeling around him to see if there was anything in the room he could grab onto, sadly there was nothing.
“Master Vaahn?” he called out.
There was no answer.
“Cyrus, Emelia?” he called out once more trying to reach his friends this time.
Still there was no response.
After a moment or two, a bright light cascaded down onto a stone slab in the back of the room. Creo cautiously walked toward the stone slab to examine it. As he had made his way over, he noticed a silver staff lying there glistening in the light. The top of the staff was rounded with seven holes that had decorated it in a circular pattern.
“Have I seen this before?” Creo asked himself looking down at the weapon on the slab.
He thought back to the peculiar dream he had about the two silent warriors just staring at each other in complete darkness. “This must be one of the staffs that they were carrying.” He said. “But what does this all mean?”
Creo reached out his hand to grab the staff, and as his fingers came closer, the light surrounding the staff began to glow even brighter than before. Finally, he picked up the staff and examined it. It appeared that there were no other special qualities the staff had possessed except for the seven indentions. “Why am I having these strange dreams?” Creo asked himself. “None of this is making any sense.”
“Creo.” A voice called out.
“Hello?” Creo called out from the darkness. “Who’s there?”
“Creo.” The voice said again.
“Where are you!?” Creo screamed. There was no reply.
“Creo!” the voice shouted louder this time.
Creo was shaken out of his sleep.
“Get up boy, we have to hurry!” Vaahn shouted.
“What’s going on?” Creo asked rubbing his eyes.
“The Sanctorum has found us, they will kill us all.” Vaahn said. “We have to get out of here quick.”
Creo immediately jumped out of bed and threw on his clothes. His master continued to round up supplies; daggers, poisons, extra food, and most importantly, his sword.
“Would you like me to help you carry something Master Vaahn?” a voice asked.
Creo quickly noticed the familiar voice, it was Heraldo Houdina. Creo looked over to find him standing by the door waiting patiently for them to pack. He couldn’t believe how calm and collected he was given the current situation. It had struck Creo as a bit odd.
“No, we will manage.” Vaahn said.
“Just offering you a hand.” Houdina said winking a Creo.
“Where are we supposed to meet the Magusellum?” Vaahn asked.
Heraldo shook his head, “I was given strict orders by the other masters to guide the two of you to a different location.” He said.
“A different location?” Creo asked. “But why?”
“The masters believe that you Creo Naviae are very special.” Houdina explained. “Therefore, they want to ensure that you are not caught by the Sanctorum for you will surely be killed.”
They finally gathered everything they needed and proceeded out the door behind Heraldo.
“So where are we headed?” Vaahn asked.
“Into the sewers.” Heraldo replied. “They will not find us there.”
“Into the sewers?” Creo asked making a disgusted face.
“No time for arguing, lets go.” Vaahn said as they cut a corner into a room and shut the door behind them.
There was nothing in the darkened room but a square door in the floor that led down into the sewers of the city.
Heraldo opened the door and went down first to guide them, then Creo with Vaahn following close behind them. They left the home of the mages and into the dark, dank sewers of Levian unsure of what was to happen next.
Cyrus and Emelia made their way into the skyship hangar to purchase Cyrus’ ticket for his departure.
“It’s interesting.” Emelia said.
“What’s that sister?” Cyrus asked her as they waited in line at the ticket booth.
“I’ve lived in Levian this long, and I have never been to this part of the city.” Emelia explained.
“I wouldn’t imagine you would, you have never left the kingdom.” Cyrus said.
“You’re right and nor would I ever want too.” She said smiling at him.
“That is true I guess.” He said smiling back at her.
“Next.” The ticket seller said from inside the booth.
Neither Emelia nor Cyrus had paid attention to their surroundings, they hadn’t realized that they were next in line. Cyrus walked up to the window and smiled at the gentleman in the booth.
“Destination?” the ticket seller asked.
/> “One for the earth kingdom please.” Cyrus said.
“Passport?” the ticket seller asked.
Cyrus’ attention drifted from the ticket seller to a skyship to the left of him. It wasn’t the skyship that had caught his attention. It was the emblem on the side of it. The emblem was that of a whirlwind or cyclone, an all too familiar symbol that had taken him by surprise.
“Passport?” the ticket seller said once more.
“Brother?” Emelia said shaking her brother. “What is it?”
Cyrus turned to her, his face as pale as a ghost. “Emelia, we’re leaving.” He said quickly. “Make haste.”
“What’s wrong?” she asked.
“Now!” he shouted grabbing her by the hand and leading her through the hangar.
Suddenly they could feel a strong gust of air approach them on their right. The wind struck the streetlamp beside them and sliced it in half. Cyrus pulled his sister by her arm and moved her out of the falling streetlamp’s path.
“Little brother, so good to see you.” A voice said from behind them.
“Sydolfus.” Emelia said as terror enveloped her face. She looked to her younger brother who had made the same expression around the same time she had.
Cyrus and Emelia turned to find their older brother walking towards them with his sword drawn.
“Haven’t I told you that nothing good comes of talking to traitors, dear brother?” Sydolfus asked.
Cyrus clenched his fist, “Emelia is no traitor!” he shouted. “She is our sister!”
Sydolfus glanced over at Emelia with a look of disgust and then shifted his eyes to his younger brother. “Was dear brother, was.” Their older brother spoke. “You may still claim her, but the Oriander line does not recognize failures.”
“The Oriander line be damned!” Cyrus shouted. “I will not cast aside my own flesh and blood for something as ridiculous as my family’s reputation!”
“Cyrus.” Emelia said under her breath as she looked over to her younger brother. At that very moment she had never been more proud of him in her entire life.
“Step aside brother, I shall deal with the traitor first.” Sydolfus said.
“So, you would murder us then?” Cyrus asked placing his body in front of his sister’s to shield her. “You would cut down your own flesh and blood?”
“Sooner or later traitors meet their end dear brother.” Sydolfus said pointing his sword at his siblings. “Think of it as a mercy killing, I’ll try my very best to be quick about it.”
“I am not afraid of you Sydolfus of the Wind!” Cyrus shouted across the hangar pulling his summoner’s tome from the bag on his side. “You may cut me down, but you will rue this day. That I can promise you.”
“Not likely.” His brother said smiling.
Emelia quickly closed her eyes, she did not want to see her brother die before her eyes. She reached out and grabbed Cyrus’ hand and gripped it tightly.
Sydolfus raised his sword, preparing for his final strike but just before he could end the two of them, Chancellor Gato’s men came marching through the hangar.
“What the hell is this?” Sydolfus asked.
“General Oriander, we have orders from the Chancellor that Emelia and Cyrus Oriander be taken into custody for questioning.” One of the knights said saluting Sydolfus.
“Questioning?” the general asked. “For what exactly?”
“I am sorry sir, I do not have that information.” The knight replied. “We have only our orders to arrest one Emelia and Cyrus Oriander.”
Sydolfus quickly thought back to the conversation with his father back in Aerian, “I see.” He said to himself.
“The Chancellor arresting us?” Emelia asked. “Whatever for?”
“That is between the Sanctorum and the Chancellor, come peacefully or we will use force.” another knight said.
“Then I leave them in your capable hands gentlemen. I must be off, I have important business to attend too.” Their brother said as he turned and walked back towards his skyship. “I’ll see you on execution day dear brother and sister.”
“Bastard.” Cyrus said trying to break free of the knight’s grasp.
“Quiet down!” one knight shouted punching Cyrus across the face.
Another knight removed his summoning tome as well as the rest of their belongings.
“Let’s go.” A knight of mercy said as they followed them out of the hangar, completely unaware of the reason behind their capture.
“It’s so dark down here.” Creo said as they traversed the narrow stone path of Levian’s sewer system.
“Hold on.” Vaahn said. “Ignis.”
Vaahn had conjured a ball of fire in his hand that he had held overhead so that they could see where they were going.
“Ah yes, magic certainly comes in handy.” Heraldo said. “Wouldn’t you agree Master Vaahn?”
“Enough small talk, just lead the way.” Vaahn said sternly.
“So Creo, is the master here teaching you a great deal about our people?” Houdina asked curiously.
Creo nodded, “Of course, Master Vaahn is a great teacher.”
“Is that so?” Heraldo said. “Then I guess he has taught you about the Mage’s Prayer?”
Vaahn’s attention quickly turned to Heraldo. “What are you doing?” he asked angrily.
Heraldo Houdina bowed slightly, “I meant no disrespect.” He said. “You have begun teaching him the prayer correct?”
“No!” Vaahn shouted. “The Mage’s Prayer is too far advanced for someone of his rank.”
“What is the Mage’s Prayer?” Creo asked.
“I could explain it, if you would like?” Houdina asked Vaahn.
Vaahn remained slient while glaring at Heraldo as though he were about to pull a knife on him.
“The Mage’s Prayer is one of the most powerful and mysterious spells in a mage’s arsenal.” Houdina began.
“Is it a weapon, or some kind of destructive spell?” Creo asked.
Heraldo shook his head, “Oh no, nothing like that. he said. “It in no way affects the enemy at all.”
“I’m not understanding.” Creo said scratching his head.
“You see-” Heraldo began again.
“I’ll explain it, I am his teacher after all.” Vaahn interrupted.
“Be my guest.” Houdina said.
“The Mage’s Prayer is basically a last resort.” Vaahn explained. “It may only be used one.”
“A last resort?” Creo asked. “You mean-?”
“Yes, the prayer itself kills its user.” His master said. “It is a form of suicide for mages.”
“But why would they kill themselves?” Creo asked horrified by the explanation.
“You see Creo, using the spell means that even though you die. Your magical energy is absorbed into the planet meaning the birth of new life.” Vaahn said. “Suicide is not seen as a sin by mages as it is in humans.”
“So, what would happen if the mage was killed by any other means?” Creo asked.
“Then their body would remain, and their soul would disappear along with their magical energy.” Heraldo interjected. “That is why when mages are captured or know that certain death is coming, they would recite the prayer.”
“Does such a thing really exist?” Creo asked. “A spoken spell that kills you instantly?”
“Yes, upon uttering the last word of the prayer, your heart stops beating, thus you die.” Vaahn said.
Creo thought for a moment, he didn’t particularly agree with any of what they were saying but he knew that it had been the way of the mages, not of the human world where he came from.
“I see, beautiful yet tragic.” Creo said.
“You could say that, but our people believe it to be honorable to end their own lives so that new life can be born.” Vaahn replied.
“I see.” Creo said. “So, I will learn the prayer as well?”
“Yes, in time.” Vaahn said.
nbsp; “It’s just up ahead.” Heraldo said.
“Finally, we can get out of here.” Creo said rolling his eyes trying to ignore the smell.
They finally made it to a large square room with a doorway on the other side that led to a ladder to the overlook above them. Up in the overlook Creo and the others could see yet another Ladder that led to the streets of Levian.
“Here we are.” Heraldo said turning to face them.
“Let’s go Creo.” Vaahn said. “It’s time to meet up with the Magusellum.”
“Right.” Creo nodded as they began walking towards the ladder in the doorway ahead of them.
Suddenly an iron gate came down over the doorway barring their path. Another iron gate fell over the doorway behind them as well, there was no way in or out.
“What the hell is going on?” Vaahn asked looking over at Heraldo, who had a devilish grin on his face.
“Well Creo Naviae, we meet again.” A voice said from above them.
Creo and Vaahn turned their attention to the overlook above. A figure walked out of the shadows, the figure was Chancellor Gato.
“It was a trap.” Creo said with a frightened look on his face.
Chapter 12
Vaahn looked over to find Heraldo grinning from across the room, “Damn you Houdina.” He said.
“Now the Magusellum will pay for choosing you Vaahn.” Heraldo Houdina said. “You and every other mage will meet your end.”
“How could you do such a thing to your own people?” Vaahn asked angrily clenching his fist looking down at the floor below him.
“It is quite simple really.” Houdina began. “I value my own life above all others.”
“You snake.” Vaahn said. “You don’t honestly think they will allow you to live, do you?”
“That was the deal, your lives as well as the rest of the mages and in return a full pardon by the Sanctorum.” Heraldo said looking up at Gato. “That was our agreement Chancellor.”
“Finish these two and you will have your pardon.” Chancellor Gato said.
“What!?” Houdina shouted. “That was not what we agreed upon!”
“You’re right, I’m simply adding an additional term to the agreement.” Gato said smiling. “Surely this task is worthy of a full pardon?”