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Aqua- the Unforgiving Sea Page 10

  Heraldo Houdina said nothing, he would have cut out his own tongue before he proved to Vaahn that he was right about the Sanctorum.

  “I’ll leave you to it then.” The Chancellor said. “I have some guests waiting for me at Headquarters.”

  “Guests?” Vaahn asked.

  “Oh yes, Creo knows them quite well actually.” Gato said. “Emelia and Cyrus Oriander.”

  Creo felt as though he had been punched hard in his gut. His friends had nothing to do with any of this. Why would the chancellor be meeting with them?

  Suddenly it had hit him. Gato was going to accuse them of associating with and harboring a mage. He was going to have them executed. Creo stood in shock, unable to move or speak. Not only were they going to find out his secret, but now they would be put to death because of him. He simply couldn’t bear the thought of losing them, they were like his family now.

  “Well then, goodbye Creo Naviae.” The Chancellor said. “They are all yours Houdina.” Gato stepped back into the shadows behind him and disappeared.

  Creo didn’t understand what was going on. How could Heraldo give up his people to save his own life so easily? Creo couldn’t imagine doing the same to his friends and family, nor could he see them doing it either.

  “Well Vaahn, it seems that I’m going to have to kill the two of you now.” Houdina said removing his hat and placing it over his chest before bowing courteously. “I’m truly sorry for how all of this turned out.”

  “Like hell you are!” Vaahn shouted.

  In that moment, Creo had noticed something different about Heraldo. He could see the bloodlust in his eyes. He was going to finish them both, his own life was that precious to him. He hadn’t cared about anyone or anything above himself. All Creo could think about was the fact he would never see his friends and family again. Tears began to well up in Creo’s eyes.

  “Creo stay back, I’ll protect you.” Vaahn said looking over at Creo who had sank to his knees with despair.

  He looked up at Vaahn with a single tear streaming down his face. It was strange, but for a moment he had envisioned his father standing in front of him and somehow in that very grim moment he felt safe.

  Heraldo pulled out a small metal sphere from the pouch on his side and held it in his palm out in front of him. “Metallum.” He whispered.

  Suddenly the sphere had transformed into a long metal chain with a sharp spike at it’s end.

  “He can craft a weapon like that from something so small?” Creo asked himself astounded by Heraldo’s abilities.

  Vaahn pulled his sword from it’s scabbard and stood his ground in front of Creo. “It won’t work Houdina, I know all of your tricks.”

  “Ah but Master Vaahn you wound me.” He said. “I’m afraid I am not as I once was.”

  Houdina lashed out with his steel chain, hoping to make contact with Vaahn’s body. Vaahn quickly blocked the strikes with his sword.

  “I see, blocking my attacks are quite easy for you.” Houdina said smirking. “But you forget I have two targets.”

  His one chain quickly became two and in one swift motion he lashed out with his next attack, this time his target was Creo.

  Creo grabbed his chest and closed his eyes as he could hear the chain flying towards him.

  “Praesidio.” Vaahn said as the crystal in the hilt of his sword began to glow a bright shade of blue.

  A barrier quickly fell around Creo, stopping the chain in its tracks.

  Creo opened his eyes to see the blue light surrounding him. “He must have cast some sort of barrier spell.” He said to himself.

  “How predictable.” Houdina said attacking Vaahn with his other weapon. “Hiding behind that damned sword of yours.”

  Vaahn was so distracted with protecting Creo that he didn’t see the attack coming. He turned his head to look at Heraldo and was struck by the spike on the end of the chain.

  The spike had cut Vaahn’s face diagonally from the top of his left eye to his right cheek. Luckily, the attack hadn’t blinded him.

  Blood dripped down Vaahn’s face onto the floor in front of him. “Are you alright?” Creo called out from behind him.

  “Yes boy, I’m fine.” Vaahn said reassuring him. “It’s only a scratch.”

  “You certainly are the same Vaahn I fought years ago.” Heraldo said smiling.

  “My turn.” Vaahn said. “Ignis.”

  Vaahn had conjured a fireball in his hand and threw it at Houdina. The impact of the spell had knocked him backwards against the iron bars behind him.

  “Ignis!” Vaahn shouted. “Ignis!”

  Vaahn repeatedly began throwing flame after flame trying to overpower his opponent. Houdina quickly became overwhelmed and could no longer block his spells. The last three fireball spell struck Houdina altogether causing an explosion.

  Smoke had quickly filled the small room they stood in and it had made it hard to see around them.

  “Did you finish him?” Creo asked trying to look through the thick smoke.

  After a moment or two the smoke had cleared, and they could finally see Heraldo standing against the iron bars, part of his clothes was burned from the fire spells.

  “Such… power Master Vaahn.” Heraldo said wincing at the pain from his wounds. “However, such spell casting costs quite a bit of... mana.”

  “Enough of this.” Vaahn said growing increasingly more annoyed by the minute. “Ignis.”

  Vaahn threw another fire spell hoping to finish Houdina off. Suddenly a wall of water sprang up from the ground and blocked the spell.

  “Water magic?” Vaahn asked. “How is that possible?”

  The water wall came down revealing a smirking Heraldo Houdina on the other side. His eyes were glowing blue and was surrounded by an indigo colored aura.

  “What kind of trick is this?” Vaahn asked.

  “It is no trick, I have acquired a new power.” Heraldo said.

  “It isn’t possible.” Vaahn said. “The only way you could achieve such power is with a…”

  “With this.” Houdina interrupted him, pulling out a bright blue stone from the pouch on his side.

  Creo had remembered seeing it back at the church when Lust had attacked the priest. “The aquacite.” He said.

  “Yes Creo Naviae, the famed aquacite of Levian.” Heraldo said. “This is how I have acquired my new powers.”

  The barrier surrounding Creo had flickered and finally disappeared. Creo looked over to find his master short of breath and sweating profusely.

  “A master mage out of mana, such a shame.” Heraldo said. “As a parting gift to an old friend I shall allow you to recite the mage’s prayer if you wish.”

  Vaahn thought long and hard about what he should do. There was no way out of the sewers without stopping Houdina and he was out of mana. Creo was defenseless and hadn’t been taught any type of spell to defend himself. There was nothing more that they could do. They were both going to die down in the sewers, that was almost for certain.

  Vaahn looked back at Creo and with only his lips, he had mouth the words: I’m sorry.

  The feeling of despair then swept over Creo once more, he to knew that there was nothing more that they could do. They were at the mercy of a man in search of freedom and they both knew how it was going to end.

  Vaahn looked back at his enemy, that was once his best friend. Their friendship had been over for many years and Vaahn knew that even if he wanted too that he could not rekindle that lost flame. “I will not recite the prayer.” he said stubbornly. “Do as you will.”

  Heraldo shook his head, “You fool, I will just have to make you suffer.” He said smiling at Vaahn. “Metallum.”

  Houdina used his chains to bind Vaahn so that he could not break free.

  “Aqua.” He said casting yet another spell. This time he had conjured a bubble around Vaahn’s head. “In just a matter of moments you will drown and then I shall finish off this poor excuse of a mage along with you.”

  Heraldo pic
ked Vaahn’s sword up off the ground and pointed it at Creo as he inched his way closer to him.

  “No please, I’m still just a kid.” Creo begged. “I didn’t ask for any of this.”

  “You see that is what’s sad about this whole ordeal boy.” Heraldo said hovering the blade above Creo. “None of us choose our fate, but unfortunately we must face it.”

  Creo closed his eyes and thought about his family and his friends. He wanted the last thing he thought about to be something that made him happy.

  “It has truly been a pleasure Creo Naviae.” Heraldo said as he thrust the sword at Creo’s abdomen.

  Suddenly a bright green light filled the room and Creo could hear two steel blades scraping against one another. He looked down to find that it was his necklace that had produced the light. He could fill a strange tingling in his chest, the necklace had been radiating some sort of magical energy.

  “Are you alright?” A voice said.

  Creo looked up to find a man with a sword blocking Houdina’s attack. The man had short black hair and was wearing some sort of black and white ceremonial robe.

  “Who…who are you?” Creo stuttered trying to get out the words.

  The swordsman forced all his weight against Houdina, knocking him off his balance before delivering a powerful kick sending his opponent flying back a few feet.

  “I don’t believe now would be a good time for introductions young master.” The man said keeping his eye on Heraldo.

  “Young master?” Creo thought. “I’m no master.”

  “Are you able to stand?” the swordsman asked him.

  “Yes…I…I can stand.” Creo said slowly.

  “Alright then, stay behind me.” The swordsman instructed. “We don’t have much time before your friend runs out of air.”

  Creo had almost forgotten about his master practically drowning across the room. He looked over to fine Vaahn struggling to hold his breath. He tried to wriggle his way out of the chains but failed miserably.

  “Impossible.” Heraldo Houdina said pulling himself up off the ground. “You can’t be him.”

  The swordsman remained motionless, keeping his eye on Houdina.

  “You are the Emerald Guardian, Isaru.” Houdina said. “The swordsman of legends.”

  “The very same.” The swordsman said.

  “The sacred stones of old were said to be destroyed.” Herlado said trying to make sense of the swordsman’s sudden appearance. “So that’s where you were hiding? Inside the boy’s necklace?”

  “I see nothing gets past you.” Isaru said.

  “Well Creo Naviae, it seems you have more than one trick up your sleeve after all.” Houdina said smiling, looking over at Creo.

  “Forget about the boy, your fight is with me now.” Isaru said stepping in front of Creo.

  “So be it then, I will just have to cut down a sacred guardian.” Heraldo said charging at Isaru with Vaahn’s sword.

  Isaru quickly blocked the strike and countered with a right hook to Houdina’s jaw. He came at him again with a follow up attack from the left knocking him off his feet once more.

  “Aqua!” Herlado shouted.

  A violent wave rose from the floor and had thrown Isaru into the iron bars behind him. The wave was so powerful that Isaru could not free himself from it.

  “Isaru!” Creo shouted looking behind him.

  Creo watched Isaru to make sure that he was alright but could not see the next attack coming. Houdina delivered a side kick to Creo’s face and knocked him to the ground on his stomach.

  “What a truly pathetic child.” Houdina laughed as he used his foot to roll Creo onto his back. Creo’s eye had been blackened by his last attack.

  “Master…Vaahn.” Creo said slowly as blood began to pour from his nose.

  “What was that?” Houdina asked leaning in closer.

  “Master…Vaahn.” Creo said once more.

  Heraldo let out a hearty laugh, “Master Vaahn?” he said. “Ha, you actually think that has-been has a chance?”

  Houdina rested the blade of Vaahn’s sword against Creo’s scawny neck. “Let’s try this, again shall we?”

  “Ventus!” Isaru roared from behind Heraldo’s water spell. He had used his sword to project two blades of wind through the air slicing the spell in two and causing it to disappear.

  The wind blades maintained their course and connected with Houdina, slicing his left arm and right leg.

  “Damn.” Herlado said dropping to his knee. “So, the legendary swordsman knows wind magic?”

  Isaru leapt through the air and kicked Heraldo backwards up against the iron bars on the right side of the room behind him.

  Suddenly out of the corner of Creo’s blackened eye he could see a light shining from within his bag across the floor from him. He quickly rolled over onto his stomach and crawled his way over to the bag. Once he had made his way over, he reached inside the bag only to pull out a long silver staff.

  “Wait, this must be the staff from my dream?” Creo thought to himself staring down at the weapon in his hand. He slowly rose to his feet, staff in hand preparing to fight with Isaru. However, Creo hadn’t known any spells and what good would an old staff do against a master mage’s sword?

  Creo pointed the staff in Houdina’s direction and it began to shine once more. Even brighter than it had before. Suddenly the blue crystal that Houdina was keeping in the leather pouch on his side quickly emerged and flew across the room toward the staff. The jewel encased itself into one of the indentions at the top of the staff.

  Creo could feel a sudden burst of power flowing through him. Without any thought or action, it was as if his body was moving on its own. His eyes turned a bright shade of blue and raised the staff at Herlado Houdina once more. “Aqua!” Creo shouted.

  Water began to pour into the room from all directions, gathering into a spherical shape in the middle of the room in front of Creo.

  The bubble surrounding Vaahn’s head burst and the chains that bound him had released him. He fell to the floor gasping for air, trying to catch his breath. He raised his head slowly, looking over at Creo who was holding the silver staff and conjuring a water spell. He looked on in amazement and confusion. Where had the staff come from? How was Creo able to produce such a powerful elemental spell?

  “Aqua!” Creo shouted once more as he hurled the sphere of water at Houdina.

  The force of the spell hit the wall so hard and so fast, destroying it completely. All that remained was Herlado Houdina lying in a pile of stone and steel.

  Creo’s eyes returned to their normal state and he regained consciousness. He looked ahead to find Heraldo lying on the ground, the wall blown apart behind him. Most importantly, he could see the ladder on the other side. He was ready to go and save his friends.

  Houdina groaned as he sat up from beneath the rubble. His hair and face dusty and gray from the residue of the broken pieces of stone. “Now…Now I see your importance.” Heraldo began. “The Magusellum would do anything to keep such raw power from turning to the dark.”

  Vaahn sat across from them still looking up at Creo, speechless. He had never witness such a collection of magical energy before. It was dense and powerful, it made his skin burn just being near it.

  “Go on then boy, finish me.” Houdina demanded. “You have won.”

  Creo stood angrily watching Houdina as he sat on his knees with his head down, preparing himself for the final blow. “No.” Creo said sternly. “I’m not a killer.”

  “The kind heart of a child, foolish but kind.” Herlado said smiling faintly.

  Creo continued to watch as Houdina raised his head with his eyes closed and began to mutter something in a language he had never heard of before. “Ego flumen, quod fluit per siluas.” He said.

  Creo looked over at Vaahn with a puzzled look on his face, “What is he saying?” he asked.

  “He is reciting the Mage’s Prayer.” Vaahn said rising to his feet and walking over to where Creo was

  “Ego sum qui flare ventos, per arbores.” Houdina continued.

  “So, he is trying to kill himself?” Creo asked.

  “Yes, because you refused to finish the job.” Vaahn said. “I won’t allow him the privilege.”

  Creo watched as Vaahn stood before Heraldo, “Ignis.” Vaahn said conjuring a fireball in his right hand that was slightly larger than the others he used during the fight. The fire spell flew from his master’s hand and connected with Houdina setting him on fire.

  Creo and his master watched as Houdina burned, screaming in agony. After a moment he was reduced to nothing more than a pile of ash on the floor of the room.

  “Was killing him necessary?” Creo asked staring at the ashes on the floor trying to find some way to sympathize with the man that tried to kill them.

  “Death is necessary for those that deserve it, never forget that.” his master said.

  Suddenly the blue stone fell from the silver staff and landed on the floor. Vaahn turned to look at Creo. “You have yet to learn to control the stone’s power, until then the stone will not bind itself to the staff.” Vaahn said.

  “Why did the stone come to me?” Creo asked.

  “Whose to say.” Vaahn replied. “A better question would be, where did you get that staff?”

  “I’m not sure, before we left I was dreaming about the staff and some how it just appeared in my bag when…” Creo began to explain.

  “When you needed it most.” Vaahn said finishing his thought.

  A shadow quickly passed by them, swiping the aquacite from the stone floor.

  “The stone!?” Vaahn shouted.

  They looked up at the shadow and could see the face of a pale woman with long black hair. Creo recognized the face, it was Lust. The Daemon let out a triumphant laugh just before disappearing up the exit that led to the streets of Levian.

  “That was Lust, she killed a priest at the Cathedral just two days ago.” Creo said.

  “So, it was as we feared, the Seven Sein have been released.” Vaahn said. “We have to get that stone back.”

  “Wait what about the swordsman?” Creo asked looking around, but there was no one there.

  Vaahn pointed to the crystal hanging from Creo’s neck. “He must have disappeared back into the crystal during your attack.” He explained. “He must have sensed you were no longer in danger.”