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Aqua- the Unforgiving Sea Page 11

  “So Isaru is like my guardian?” Creo asked.

  “You could call him that, he will only answer to the one holding that necklace.” Vaahn said. “There are many legends surrounding the crystal guardians but now is not the time.”

  “What about my friends?” Creo asked. “Gato probably has them in a cell right now.”

  “The cleric and the high evoker?” Vaahn asked.

  “Yes, they will be killed because of me if we don’t help them.” Creo said.

  Vaahn knew that the most important thing now was to retrieve the stone from Lust, however he could see the compassion that Creo had for his friends. He knew that there was no escaping the task.

  “Fine we will go to Sanctorum Headquarters and break them out, then we must find Lust.” Vaahn said walking towards the hole in the wall that led to the exit.

  “Thank you master.” Creo said smiling.

  “Don’t mention it kid.” Vaahn said as they began to climb their way up to the streets. Creo prayed that nothing terrible had happened to his friends, he could never forgive himself. If and when he saved them he knew that he was going to have to tell them the truth. The thought of it somehow calmed him and worried him at the same time. For now, he hoped that they were alright.

  Chapter 13

  A knock came to Chancellor Gato’s office door. “Come in.” he said.

  As the door opened slowly, the Chancellor saw his guards escorting the Oriander siblings into the office quiet forcefully. The guards pushed the two youths inside and closed the door behind them.

  “Was all that really necessary?” Cyrus shouted looking behind him at the door dusting off his clothes.

  He and Emelia turned to find the Chancellor sitting at his desk glaring at them. From where they stood he appeared to be sporting a half smile.

  “Ah Emelia and Cyrus Oriander.” Gato said greeting them. “Please do have a seat.”

  They walked over to the two seats conveniently placed in front of the Chancellor’s wooden desk and sat down.

  “What the hell is going on?” Cyrus asked confused as to why they were brought in for questioning. At first, he hoped that it wasn’t the fact that he went off to find Lust on his own but the longer he sat and thought, the more preposterous the idea was.

  “Yes Chancellor, what is the meaning of this?” Emelia demanded.

  “How about I ask the questions, that is after all why you’re here.” The Chancellor said.

  The two of them sat quietly, they knew that there was no use in arguing. Better to hear the man out now and not risk being sent to the dungeons prematurely.

  “Well now, do you two have any idea where your friend Creo Naviae is right now?” Gato asked.

  “He was taken last night by a strange man in a cloak.” Emelia said answering him immediately.

  “Do you happen to know who the man was?” Gato asked her. “Do you know where they were headed?”

  Emelia shook her head but remained silent.

  “Well I’ll tell you, your so-called friend Creo escaped to the mage’s hideout last night with a master mage.” The Chancellor explained.

  “Lies!” Cyrus said jumping up out of his seat. “What business would he have with mages!?

  “Sit down Mr. Oriander or I will have you removed and placed in a cell.” The Chancellor said.

  Cyrus clenched his fist, wanting nothing more than to wipe the smirk off Gato’s face. He calmed himself and sat back down.

  “I’ll explain, to put it simply Creo Naviae is a mage.” Gato explained. “He fled his home in Lytos to try and escape execution.”

  “That’s not possible.” Emelia said.

  “I’m afraid it’s true Ms. Oriander.” Gato said pouring himself a cup of tea. “He and his master are in the sewers right now fighting for their lives, and my bet is on their opponent.”

  Cyrus sank down in his chair, “Why would Creo lie to us?” he thought to himself. “It can’t be true, none of it can be true.”

  Emelia looked over and gave her brother a quick glance before turning her attention back to the Chancellor. “Why Creo?” she thought.

  The Chancellor sipped his tea and placed the cup back down onto his desk, “Now whether you knew of the boy’s lineage or not, you still opened your home to a mage.” Gato began. “It is against the Praecepta and for that you shall be punished.”

  “So, you’re going to lock us up because we associated ourselves with a mage not even knowing they were one?” Cyrus asked with attitude.

  “Oh Mr. Oriander you have it all wrong.” Gato said smiling. “You will only stay in a cell until your scheduled day of execution.”

  “Execution!?” Cyrus shot up out of his seat once more. He rushed over and leaned across the desk, grabbing the Chancellor by his collar. “This is not justice!”

  “Cyrus no.” Emelia said trying to calm her brother down.

  Chancellor chuckled, “Your strength is laughable at best boy.” He said breaking free of Cyrus’ grip and back-handing him across the face, so hard that it knocked Cyrus to the ground. “Don’t think I don’t know about you disobeying my orders either.”

  “Cyrus!” Emelia shouted rushing over to his side.

  “The laws are clear on what is supposed to happen to you.” Gato said sternly. “There is no escaping your fate.”

  Tears began to fall from Emelia’s eyes, “This cant be happening.” She thought to herself.

  “Guards!” Gato shouted.

  After a moment, the office door opened and the same guards from before walked in and made their way over to Emelia and Cyrus who were on the floor beside the wooden desk.

  “Take them to their cells.” The Chancellor said. “I’ll be sure and speed up your execution dates.”

  The guards picked Emelia and her brother up off the floor and escorted them out of the room, turning and making their way down the stone spiral staircase down to the dungeons.

  The Chancellor had them and now their fate was sealed, there was nothing more they could do. With no way to escape they had but one thing to do, accept their fate.


  Emelia sat in her dark corner of the dungeon, her wrists and ankles bound by chains. She wept so much that her eyes were now red and swollen. The smell of mold, decay, and human excrement turned her stomach. She wanted nothing more than to be back home.

  “Brother?” she said trying to get Cyrus’ attention in the cell next to hers.

  Cyrus raised his head slowly, “Yes Emelia?”

  “Do you…Do you think we will make it out of here?” she asked her voice filled with the faintest trace of hope.

  “I assume that we will dear sister, but only to meet our untimely end.” Cyrus replied.

  Emelia frowned, “That was not the answer I was hoping for.”

  Cyrus sighed deeply, “What do you expect Emelia?” he asked. “Do you not see the situation that we have gotten ourselves into?”

  “Yes, brother I do but…” Emelia began.

  “But what!?” her brother asked raising his voice sharply.

  She was shocked by his tone; his words had hit her hard. “It wasn’t his fault, none of us were given the chance to choose our fate.” She explained. “The same goes for Creo as well, maybe he didn’t want to be a mage.”

  “Then why would he lie to us Emelia, for Caelum’s sake?” he asked. “Why would he go through such effort to keep something like that from us?”

  “Isn’t it obvious?” his sister asked. “He didn’t want anyone to know for fear of being executed.”

  Cyrus thought for a moment, she was right, and he knew it. As much as he wanted to protest her words, he knew that he couldn’t hope too. Her being right at this point was inevitable.

  “I understand but I am still angry, we were his friends.” Cyrus said. “From what it seemed like, we were the only friends he had.”

  “Has Cyrus.” She said.

  “What?” he asked.

  “The only friends he has brother.” Emelia said f
rom her cell. “I have already forgiven him.”

  “My sister the kind hearted one.” He thought to himself.

  “Why is it so hard for you to do the same?” his sister asked him.

  It wasn’t. He knew that it was the right thing to do. Creo didn’t mean for them to end up in the dungeons below the Sanctorum’s Headquarters. Maybe he was being unreasonable.

  “You are right dear sister.” Cyrus said. “I guess I will just have to forgive our friend as well.”

  Emelia smiled, “I am glad you could see things my way brother.”

  Suddenly they heard footsteps coming down the stone staircase. The torches in the room produced little light so it was hard to see who was coming down into the dungeons.

  “It’s the guards, quickly close your eyes and pretend to be asleep.” Cyrus instructed.

  “Alright.” Emelia said.

  They both lay on their side in their cells and pretended to be asleep, hoping that the guards would come and go quickly.

  The footsteps stopped suddenly, whoever entered the dungeons was right outside their cells. They could hear the jingle of keys.

  “The lighting in here is terrible.” A voice said. It was the voice of an older man, perhaps in his late thirties.

  “Can’t you just use magic?” another voice said. This time it was that of a young boy.

  The older man chuckled, “Yes of course.” He said. “Ignis.”

  Flames appeared on the man’s left hand, he threw the them at the torches lining the wall making them glow brighter.

  “Ah much better.” the man said looking through the keys again.

  “Did you find the key?” the boy asked.

  “Here it is.” the man said holding up the right key.

  The man unlocked the door and pushed it open, trying carefully not to make too much noise.

  Cyrus jumped up, “Stay back whoever you are!” he shouted.

  The man and the boy walked closer into the light and Cyrus could see their faces.

  “Creo?” Cyrus asked.

  “Cyrus your okay!” Creo shouted in excitement.

  Emelia jumped up as well in her own cell. “Creo your okay!” she shouted.

  “Emelia! I’m so glad you two are alright.” He said.

  “Well no thanks to you, liar.” Cyrus said in a snotty tone.

  Vaahn walked over to Emelia’s cell and released her.

  “I’m so sorry, for everything.” Creo said lowering his head in shame.

  Cyrus placed his hand on Creo’s shoulder. “No need for any of that friend.” He said smiling at Creo.

  “You mean, you’re not angry with me?” Creo asked.

  “Well at first, but we gave it a lot of thought.” Cyrus replied.

  Emelia walked over to her brother and the two of them stared at the man standing next to Creo. “And this is?” Cyrus asked.

  “Oh yeah, this is Master Vaahn.” Creo said introducing them. “He has been teaching me how to control my magic.”

  “Pleasure to meet you both.” Vaahn said bowing slightly.

  “Likewise, sir.” Cyrus said.

  “Pleasure to make your acquaintance.” Emelia said.

  “Oh, I almost forgot, Mr. Oriander I believe this is yours.” Vaahn said handing Cyrus his bag containing his summon tome.

  “Where did you find this?” Cyrus asked excitedly.

  “We retrieved it from one of the guards along with the keys of course.” Vaahn said.

  “Cyrus, Emelia I…” Creo began.

  “Creo you will have to save it for later, we have got to get out of here.” His master said urgently.

  “Right.” Creo said looking up at him.

  The four of them rushed up the stone stairs and down the long hall of Headquarters. They tried to remain as quiet as they possibly could as to not draw attention to themselves.

  They took a sharp right down the hall and opened the door at the end. The door led them out into the entrance of the Headquarters. The lights were off because it was now night and all the staff had gone home. The hurried to the large double doors that led out into Levian when suddenly the lights flipped on.

  “What the hell?” Vaahn said looking around them.

  Guards began to pour into the room from every entrance and exit in the building, surrounding them. They formed a circle around them, blocking their only exit out of the building.

  “Well, well you managed to escape the sewers.” A voice said.

  They turned to find the chancellor standing behind them with the rest of the guards.

  “Gato.” Vaahn said angrily, clenching his fist.

  “Out of one trap and into another, my you two are a broken record.” The chancellor said. “I knew exactly where you would be headed.”

  “Fools all of you!” Cyrus shouted. “Do these two really seem like such a threat to your kingdom?”

  “Quiet mage lover!” Gato shouted. “I don’t have the patience to wait on executing the four of you.”

  “Enough!” Creo shouted as his voice echoed through the room. “None of this is important right now, we are wasting time.”

  The chancellor raised an eye brow to Creo. “What is more important than finishing off a couple of mystics and their accomplices.” He asked.

  “At this very moment that daemon is walking around Levian with the aquacite.” Creo said. “Our priority right now is the safe return of that stone.”

  No argument was made, not by vaahn, or the chancellor. Not by anyone. They knew that Creo was right, without the aquacite’s power and Aquarus’ protection the kingdom itself was a sitting duck.

  “So, you think we should just let you go?” Gato asked. “I’m afraid we can’t do that kid.”

  “No but we can negotiate.” Creo said.

  Cyrus, Emelia, and Vaahn all were surprised by Creo. A fifteen-year-old negotiate with a chancellor, never mind the fact that he is a mage.

  “I’m listening.” Gato said curiously.

  “If you will work with us to retrieve the aquacite, I will willingly turn myself over to the Sanctorum.” Creo said. “I will accept my punishment.”

  “Creo no!” Emelia shouted.

  Vaahn put his hand on her shoulder. She looked up at him and shook his head.

  “Just like that?” the chancellor asked.

  “Yes, as long as you pardon my friends and let them go.” Creo said. “Vaahn, Emelia, and Cyrus go free.”

  The chancellor laughed, “Foolish boy, I can’t just let another mage go free.” He said. “I wont accept your terms.”

  Vaahn stepped forward, “Then take us both then.” He said.

  Creo shocked by his words, looked back at him. “Master?” he said.

  Vaahn smiled and then turned his head to look at Gato. “You can have us both then, just let the Orianders go.” He said.

  The chancellor thought for a moment, and then smiled. “I believe I can accept your terms young mage.”

  Creo put out his hand to close the deal.

  Gato walked over and placed his hand in Creo’s shaking it firmly.

  “Now that we have come to an agreement, where should we begin to look for that infernal daemon?” Gato asked.

  “I may be of some help in that department.” Cyrus said removing his tome from his bag.

  “You mean to track her through magic?” Vaahn asked.

  “Yes, that is how I found Lust before.” Cyrus said.

  “Well get on with it then.” Gato commanded.

  Cyrus closed his eyes and concentrated for a moment building his magic energy. Suddenly his eyes sprang open. “She’s at the docks.” He said.

  Chapter 14

  “We will go in two groups.” the chancellor said. “You four will go on ahead, and my knights will follow behind you.”

  Vaahn laughed, “Of course that’s how you would have it play out.” He said.

  “You forget mage, we are only here to assist you in acquiring the aquacite.” Gato said. “Once we have it, you and the boy
will be headed straight for the dungeons.”

  Vaahn looked down at Creo and winked at him, “That was the agreement chancellor.” He said.

  “Alright we shall go on ahead.” Cyrus said already half way across the room to the double doors.

  “Let’s go Creo.” Vaahn said following behind them.

  “Right.” Creo agreed and followed behind his master and the others.

  The four of them ran as fast as they could down the streets of Levian to reach the docks in time to stop Lust. Luckily for them the docks hadn’t been far from Headquarters. Creo remembered back when Vaahn escorted him to the Headquarters as he arrived in Levian for the first time. He knew that they could be there in a matter of minutes.

  “There up ahead!” Vaahn shouted pointing to the shadow running towards the docks in front of them.

  “Lust.” Cyrus said clenching his fist remembering their battle.

  The shadow suddenly stopped in front of them as it reached the edge of the docks. Its appearance change to that of the human woman that it had been before.

  “Well, well didn’t get enough of me last time evoker.” She said as the four of them stopped dead in their tracks in front of her.

  “It’s over daemon, give us the aquacite!” Cyrus shouted.

  Lust laughed, “You couldn’t finish me alone, so you brought help this time?” she said. “It’ll take a lot more than that little boy.”

  “Give us the stone daemon witch, or I’ll remove your head.” Vaahn said standing in front of Creo to protect him.

  Lust licked her lips hungrily, “Ah the master mage and his apprentice.” She said softly. “This should be interesting after all.”

  Vaahn pulled his sword, Aegis from it’s scabbard and pointed it at Lust. “I’ve had enough of your words Lust, we end this now.” He said.

  “So be it, but four on one is hardly fair.” She said devilishly as she removed the aquacite from under her dress. “I believe I’ll even the odds a bit.”

  They watched as Lust threw the aquacite over her shoulder and land in the ocean behind her.

  “No!” Emelia shouted.