The Fated Swords (Mystics of V'nairia #1) Page 5
Later that evening the boys had made their way back to the inn. As they walked past Kerra’s door and knocked, there was still no reply.
“Something’s wrong, we should check on her.” Zander said. Heiro nodded as they slowly opened the door, inside the room there was no sign of Kerra. Her window was open and a breeze blew in through the cloth curtains.
“Where could she have gone?” Zander asked himself.
Heiro spotted a note on the bed out of the corner of his eye. He picked it up, examined it and was in immediate shock. “Zander she was kidnapped!” Heiro shouted.
“What does it say?” Zander asked snatching it from his hand. It read:
We’ve taken the girl, if you want her alive
Then you will meet us at the old shack outside of town
We’re asking 100,000 yol in exchange
Come alone at midnight or she dies.
“Damn bandits.” Heiro said.
Zander noticed an odd symbol on the bottom of the letter, it looked like a claw. “What does this mean?” he asked Heiro.
“That is the symbol for the Iron Claw Bandits, their leader Jacko is a ruthless killer.” He said.
“What the hell are we supposed to do? We don’t have that kind of cash” Zander asked.
“We’re going to have to fight them and get her back.” Heiro explained. Heiro was right there was no alternative; a few bandits couldn’t be that much to handle for the two of them. “I failed to mention that Jacko is also a mystic and I’m unaware of what powers he possesses, so we must be careful.” He added.
They rushed out of the inn and down the street; it was already a few minutes after nine they didn’t have much time left to spare. Kerra’s life was at stake and Zander would be damned if they were going to kill her. He regretted even letting her tag along but she wouldn’t back down, Vallus was her friend too and she wanted to see this through just as much as he did.
Zander and Heiro had made their way to the old shack on the outskirts of town. They looked around and seen no sign of Kerra or the bandits.
“Something isn’t right, it’s after midnight.” Heiro said. They had plainly told them to bring the money to the old shack at midnight; Zander definitely had a bad feeling in his gut.
“Well you did decide to show.” A voice said. The boys looked around and couldn’t see anyone it had been too dark. A shadowy figure emerged from behind the old shack. The man was bald and had a beard and looked as though his face had been badly scarred, it was Jacko.
“Where is she?” Zander asked clenching his fist tightly.
“She’s safe for now, her continued safety depends on you two upholding your end of the bargain.” Jacko said.
Zander saw the large curved blade that Jacko was carrying and he immediately remembered Heiro telling him that Jacko was a mystic. For now neither of them knew what to expect from him. They had to be cautious in this fight if they wanted to make it out alive.
“We don’t have that kind of money.” Heiro said.
This had angered Jacko but soon after he found it mildly humorous, “You come to this place without the requested funds? How foolish could you be?” Jacko asked.
“Where is Kerra!?” Zander shouted.
Jacko raised his blade so it met at eye level with Zander, “Shut up or I’ll kill her.” He said. Jacko snapped his fingers and they watched as the other members of the clan began to appear. They each had masks and long bladed claws attached to their hands. Two bandits walked out of the shack holding Kerra by her arms,
“Zander. Help me.” She said frightened. “Be quiet you little slut!” one bandit said, slapping her across the face.
Zander stepped forward in a rage, “Touch her again you son of a bitch and I’ll kill every last one of you,” he said. His blood pressure had spiked and the veins could be seen in his neck, when it came to Kerra he would rip them all to pieces.
“I’m done with these idiots, kill them both.” Jacko commanded. The bandits had begun to run in for the attack, there were more men than they had anticipated. Zander and Heiro readied their weapons,
“I think it’s about time we seen your magic in action.” Heiro said.
Zander nodded, “Wind Art: Slicing Gale!” he screamed, as the blades of wind flew through the air toward the bandit army.
“Flame Art: Fire Stream.” Heiro said spewing the fire from his lips. The two spells combined increasing the speed and strength of the attack. “Combination Art: Flame Vortex!” Both of them shouted as the whirlwind of flame raged through the crowd engulfing every last bandit in its path.
Jacko had been the last of the clan and when it came to him they had to be a little more mindful. “Combining fire and wind magicks, very impressive.” Jacko thought to himself.
“Is that all you have Jacko? Hiding behind your pawns?” Heiro said.
Jacko began to walk toward them, “On the contrary my friend, I’m just getting started.” He said. Zander had seen a shadow appear behind him, it was like a mirror image. There were two Jackos,
“Are you seeing this Heiro?” Zander asked.
There was no response, Heiro had also been rendered speechless. “This is my ability; it’s my body double technique. It has all the strength that I do.” Jacko explained. Zander cast his wind spell again but the second body blocked the attack with its blade. “It is no use, the double automatically blocks any incoming attacks aimed at the original.” Jacko said.
“We could try the combination again?” Zander said looking to Heiro for an idea.
Jacko laughed, “Don’t even bother with your little fire show; it won’t take me down that easily.” He said. He was right the combination attack took a lot of magick to perform in the first place; they had to think of another plan. They had to resort to physical attacks for now.
Each of them ran towards one of the Jacko bodies and tried to strike them but was blocked again. “Cross Cleaver!” Jacko shouted as the bodies crossed their blades in an X shape sending out a wave of energy damaging Zander and Heiro’s limbs and throwing them off balance.
“There’s minimal damage, it’s like he’s toying with us.” Heiro said as he quickly examined their wounds. They tried to separate the bodies by each taking one but it was no use, the bodies stayed together in the same location. They exchanged blow after blow not getting anywhere, they were beginning to feel exhausted. “What if I used my blood sword technique?” Heiro asked.
“You don’t have enough magick for such a strong technique, besides you won’t be able to maintain it for long.” Zander said. Zander was right, after Ivory struck Heiro during their battle and destroyed the evil essence; Heiro had lost the power to maintain that technique for long. If he tried to use it now, it would surely kill him.
“Are we going to finish this or not? Im bored.” Jacko asked. They hadn’t even put a dent into the original or the double; they were a very formidable team. “Cross Cleaver.” Jacko said attacking them again, this time it was more powerful and it knocked them backward onto the ground.
“I think I have an idea, focus on the body double.” Heiro said trying to stand. Zander knew now more than ever he had to trust him, if he didn’t neither of them weren’t going to make it. “Earth Art: Stone Bindings.” Heiro said as the earth covered the double’s legs and had begun to harden. The body tried to break itself free but couldn’t move, “Now Zander!” Heiro shouted.
Zander ran up behind the second Jacko and pierced its chest with his blade. The attack had no effect the double had gotten free, grabbed Zander and threw him across the field. He struggled to get to his feet, “How is he alive?” Zander asked. Heiro thought for sure that attack would have finished the double off, and then it hit him. He knew why the double hadn’t died; now he knew how to beat them. He used his earth binding spell once more, and this time on both Jacko bodies.
“You can’t defeat us with mere physical attacks.” Jacko said.
“Who said anything about physical attacks? Earth Art: Stone Prison.”
Heiro said as the stones came from the ground one by one surrounding them and blocking them in. “Zander aim your wind spell for the center of that wall.” Heiro instructed.
Zander used the spell to create an opening in the wall, “Okay go for it.” He said.
“Flame Art: Great Fire Stream!” Heiro shouted spitting the fire into the hole. They could hear Jackos screams from outside; both bodies had been baked alive.
Zander rushed over to Kerra and held her. “I knew you would come for me.” She said weakly.
“Of course I would.” He said smiling. He picked her up and carried her as they had begun to walk back toward town. “So you had to end up defeating them both at the same time?” Zander asked.
“That seemed to be the deal; of course I wasn’t exactly sure.” Heiro said.
“What? You could have gotten our asses killed.” Zander said scolding him.
“Hey now let’s just savor the victory, were alive and he’s charcoal.” Heiro said. They both had begun to laugh, thanks to Heiro’s quick thinking they were alive and Zander was grateful to him. Maybe he wasn’t as bad as he had thought he was in the beginning. Sometimes certain situations bring a person’s true self to the surface, and that’s exactly what Zander had hoped for Vallus.
Chapter VII
Mysterious Stranger
Vallus sat under an old oak tree in the middle of the forest; he had been there for days planning his next move. The battle with his father had been a close call; he hadn’t been ready to face him just yet. He needed to learn to control his newfound powers first. His father had been poisoning everyone’s mind all along; they were hypocrites for using magick while everyone else feared the mystics and wanted them eliminated. It was his goal to bring peace to the world, and he wanted it all for himself. He never did agree with the way his father governed his people and one day he knew he would put an end to it all.
Suddenly a figure appeared before him, Vallus recognized him as the man from the hospital. “You again? What do you want?” Vallus asked.
“Weren’t you ever taught any manners?” the man asked.
“I don’t make it a point in my daily schedule to make small talk with mysterious strangers.” Vallus said.
“I guess you’re right, forgive me for not introducing myself before. My name is Raphael.” He said taking off his shroud. He wore a sharp suit and had black slicked back hair, and also had a white mask that covered half of his face.
“Are you someone’s butler? Because your certainly dressed the part.” Vallus asked.
“I am simply a messenger, who has come to make sure your task is uninterrupted.” Raphael said.
“Okay then explain to me why you sent me away when you told me to bring you the blades. I could have taken it from him?” Vallus asked.
“The boy is following you, you can lead him to the shrine and finish him off and take the weapon from him there.” Raphael explained. An ingenious plan no less, Vallus had known that Zander would follow him; that part wasn’t hard to figure out.
“So I guess he is trying to bring me back home. Who is accompanying him?” Vallus asked.
“He is traveling with that girl Kerra, and the mystic prisoner Heiro.” Raphael said.
“So he brought along some extra muscle, it won’t do him any good. Vallus said smirking.
“There is some more information I’ve gathered, apparently it turns out Zander is a mystic and Heiro has been training him.” He said.
Vallus stood up and packed ebony on his back, “Well someone has certainly been busy, so explain to me why you need the swords.” Vallus demanded.
This didn’t surprise Raphael that Vallus had been curious as to what he had in store for the swords; he wasn’t one for ignoring the small details. “I need them for a ritual to revive my master Diaboro, the demon king.” Raphael explained.
“Why would I want to help you revive some ancient demon?” Vallus asked.
“You want to rule this world don’t you? My master can make that happen for you, you can have anything you wish.” Raphael said. This did peak Vallus’ interest, he did want to rule over all of V’nairia.
“So how do you propose we slow them down?” Vallus asked.
“Well I had a plan but it fell through. They had defeated the Iron Claw Bandits and their leader Jacko.” Raphael said.
“Well think of something else, I need to get to that shrine.” Vallus said.
Raphael knew about the Supreme Judge sending the bounty hunters after them and he would use this information to his advantage, but for now he said nothing about it. “As you wish, Lord Vallus.” He said and disappeared.
Soon Vallus would have the sword from Zander, and revive the demon king. His goal would finally be reached; he would rule all of V’nairia.
The next day Zander and the others had left the small town of Dura and were back on their path through the forest. “Are they plenty of other mystics as powerful as Jacko out there?” Kerra asked.
“Probably even more powerful, were going to have to watch you real close missy.” Heiro chuckled.
Kerra became angry, “Hey! Don’t act like I’m some weakling; I was asleep when I was kidnapped.” She said raising a fist to him.
Zander turned to her and placed his hand on her shoulder, “You know Heiro in her defense, and she did save me from the Lieutenant back in the holding cell.” Zander said as he winked at her.
She began to blush; Zander always knew how to make her feel better. “Thank you Zander.” She said smiling at him.
As they walked through the forest Heiro got an uneasy feeling, and he heard footsteps behind the bushes. “I feel like were being watched.” He said.
“Maybe someone followed us from town.” Kerra said. Two figures leapt out from the bushes, they had been spying on them. One was tall and wore a red mask and carried a sword, the other was shorter and wore a blue mask and carried an axe.
“Who the hell are you two?” Heiro asked.
“Brother how did they sense us?” the shorter one asked the taller man.
“Well neither of you are mystics or I would be able to sense your magick, and you’re not the best at stealth either. I heard your footsteps.” Heiro said.
“Brother Im tired of his smart mouth, let’s kill him already.” The short one said. The taller man motioned for him to be silent.
Zander had quickly realized who they were; these were no ordinary thieves or bounty hunters. “You’re the Slaughter Twins; Taru and Tora.” Zander said.
“So you do know who we are, I was beginning to think I would have to give you some kind of back story or something.” Taru said.
Zander stood in front of Kerra, “Stay back Kerra, they may not be mystics but these guys are deadly.” He said.
Heiro pulled out his sword, “It looks like the judge spares no expense on finding us.” He said.
“When were through with you, you will be unrecognizable.” Tora said.
Suddenly a man jumped out from a nearby tree landing in between both parties. “I think you two should leave, these people have done no harm to you.” The man said.
The brothers looked at each other and back at the man. “Who is this guy? They never mentioned a fourth person.” Taru said. “Guess killing him will cost the judge extra.” Tora said as they readied their weapons.
The man pulled out a rapier, “I can dance all night if you wish.” He said confidently.
“Who are you?” Heiro asked. The man turned to them,
“There’s no time for questions, I’ll hold them off. Take that path into the woods.” He said pointing just to the left of them. They took off down the path the man instructed, they didn’t know who he was or what he was doing there but they certainly were grateful. They were still exhausted from their last fight with Jacko.
They ran for a good fifteen minutes before they finally stopped. “How much farther do we go?” Kerra asked.
“I don’t know he just said to keep going.” Zander said trying to catch his brea
“It’s a good thing I came along in time.” A voice said.
The man from before emerged, “Who are you?” Zander asked him.
“I do believe it’s rude to question one’s identity before revealing your own.” The man said.
“We apologize sir, I’m Kerra and this is Zander and Heiro.” She said.
He bowed courteously, “I am Ryder from the city of Talias.” He said.
“Is Talias far from here?” Zander asked as they proceeded down the path.
“No not at all, it’s just down the mountain, about half a day’s journey.” Ryder explained. They were relieved they felt as though they had been walking forever. “So what brings you three all the way out here? Judging by your clothes you’re from the capital.” He asked.
The three of them didn’t know exactly what story to go by. “Well you see, being from the capital and all we have never really seen the countryside; so were sightseeing.” Heiro said.
Ryder looked confused, “So why are two very well-known bounty hunters chasing three sight seekers from the capital?” he asked. They were silent they feared that he was onto them or that the judge also sent him to bring them back. “How rude of me, that’s none of my business, my apologies.” He said.
“You sure do ask a lot of questions, didn’t you save us? What’s with the third degree?” Heiro asked, there was anger in his voice.
“I meant no disrespect I feared that the three of you were in some kind of trouble that’s all.” Ryder said sympathetically. The Three of them were grateful to them, so much had happened lately they didn’t know what to do or who to trust.
“We apologize for our rudeness Ryder.” Zander said.
Ryder looked back at him and smiled, “Think nothing of it my friend.” He said. It was odd he had the same smile that Vallus always gave him, Zander hated that smile.
They had finally made it out of the forest and at the top of the mountain path just as Ryder said. “So the city is at the bottom of this mountain?” Heiro asked.
Ryder stopped and was silent, “What is it?” Zander asked.