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The Fated Swords (Mystics of V'nairia #1) Page 6

“Above us, Move!” Ryder shouted. They had jumped out of the way just as Ryder was struck. It was the slaughter brothers they had come back to finish them. As they smoke cleared they could see Ryder had blocked both brothers’ weapons with his one sword. Ryder overpowered them and threw them off balance as he leapt away. “I thought I had taken care of you two earlier.” Ryder said.

  “We won’t go down so easily.” Taro said. Ryder held out his sword as it began to glow a bright blue.

  “We simply do not have time for this, Soul Cutter!” he shouted. Within the blink of an eye he appeared behind the twins, and sheathed his sword. The brothers fell to the ground; they were no more than hollow shells. Ryder had extracted their souls and absorbed them into his blade.

  “What kind of technique was that?” Heiro asked.

  “I don’t know but just be glad you weren’t on the receiving end of it.” Zander said.

  Ryder walked back over to them and smiled, “Now, shall we move on.” He said. The three of them followed him down the mountainside to the city of Talias. They hadn’t known much about Ryder or why he was in the forest at the right place at the right time, but they certainly welcomed his help.

  Chapter VIII

  Order of the Cursed Blades

  Ryder had led them down the path of the mountain to the entrance of the city of Talias. “So Ryder, this is where you’re from?” Kerra asked.

  “Yes I grew up here; I haven’t set foot in Talias in over fifteen years.” Ryder said.

  Talias was a very large and beautiful city, although it wasn’t as grand as the capital city they were from but it had seemed like it would be a decent place to make a living. There were many shops throughout the city, selling anything from weapons and armor, to fresh fruit and trinkets.

  “This seems like a very nice place Ryder, why did you ever leave?” Heiro asked.

  Ryder stopped and turned to look at him, “I would rather not speak of my past, my apologies.” He said. He seemed rather offended; from the moment they had met him Zander had a strange feeling about Ryder.

  “We need to find the inn, I’m feeling a bit tired.” Kerra said.

  “It’s over there.” Ryder said pointing to the tall building across the street from them. As they were about to walk inside, they were approached by a couple of the city’s guards.

  “Good evening folks are you all new to the city?” one guard asked.

  “Yes sir that’s right.” Heiro said. The other guard held up a sheet of paper with their pictures on it. Zander noticed that the word “Wanted” had been printed at the bottom of the paper just below the pictures. There had also been a large denomination of yol.

  “It looks to me like you’re the ones from this poster.” One of the men said.

  “I don’t understand what’s going on, we aren’t criminals.” Zander spoke up.

  “Quiet you!” a guard said. “The three of you are coming with us; the Baroness wants to meet with you.” The other guard explained. They grabbed the three of them and walked them down the street, leaving Ryder behind. Zander had found it quite strange that Ryder had helped them before but now stood by and watched as they were taken away.

  The guards had arrested them and taken them to the estate of the Baroness. She ruled over the city of Talias and reported to the Supreme Judge, they had thought for sure they were going back to the capital and who knew what was going to happen to them then. The guards had walked them inside the large double doors of the mansion. Inside the walls were painted white and red; there were bouquets of red roses perfectly placed upon the walls in each room. There was also a large staircase that had spiraled up into the higher floors. The guards had begun to unshackle them, and had instructed them to wait in the entranceway for the Baroness.

  Zander thought it was strange, why take them to see the Baroness? Why not just throw them in a cell to rot? The law certainly didn’t discriminate against anyone, in V’nairia anyone over fifteen was considered an adult and had been tried as such.

  “Sorry to keep you waiting.” A voice said.

  At the top of the staircase, there had been a woman in a long blue dress; she had long curly brown hair. She had to be in her late twenties Zander thought staring at her beauty. When she made her way down to the entranceway she greeted them with a smile. “I am Thesia, Baroness of Talias.” She said. The three of them knelt before her,

  “It is an honor to meet you your highness.” Kerra said.

  “Please rise there are no need for formalities.” The Baroness said. Her kindness somehow put Zander and the others at ease.

  “If you don’t mind me asking your highness, why are we here?” Zander asked.

  The Baroness began to laugh, “You are just as curious as your father was.” She said. Zander was in shock, she had known his parents? How could that be? He thought.

  “How did you know my parents?” he asked.

  “Oh I knew Lillian and Zephyr quite well; they used to care for me when I was young.” Thesia said. Zander finally knew their names, at this moment he couldn’t have been happier. He could finally get some answers about his past and his parents.

  “As for the reason as to why you’re here, you will need to follow me to discuss that.” She said.

  They had followed her up the long staircase and finally reached a large portrait at the top, it was a painting of a group of warriors battling a large demon. Thesia had pressed a button behind the painting, revealing a secret passage in another room. They walked down the narrow passage into a room that had been filled with many books.

  “What is this place?” Heiro asked.

  “This is the hall of the Order of the Cursed Blades.” She said.

  Zander looked down at his sword, “You mean the cursed blades Ebony and Ivory?” he asked.

  “Yes Ebony the demon blade and Ivory the holy blade.” The Baroness said.

  Kerra looked around at the many books, there were thousands waiting to be read. “There’s a book for everything here.” She said. Kerra and Zander both loved to read, that was one of the things that had made them so close growing up.

  “What exactly is the Order of the Blades? What do they do?” Zander asked.

  “The Order protects V’nairia from all threats and we also relay information back to the capital about any and all dark activity.” She said.

  “So then you’ve heard about Vallus, son of the Supreme Judge.” Zander asked.

  Thesia motioned for them to have a seat. The three of them sat down at the large table in the middle of the room. “Yes we know all about your friend Zander but I think there are some details you may not be aware of.” The Baroness said. This had definitely gotten their attention, they hadn’t really known why Vallus left the city and they needed to know the truth. “Vallus is making his way to the shrine just below the northern mountains; there he is going to resurrect the Demon King Diaboro.” Thesia explained.

  Heiro stood up and took a nearby book off of the shelf and examined it, “Isn’t it true that the demon king was sealed away by the order?” he asked.

  Thesia nodded, “Yes the instruments used to seal his power away were the cursed blades.” She said.

  “So that’s why he had tried to take Ivory from me back at the capital?” Zander asked. “Precisely.” The Baroness agreed.

  “Legend says that the shrine is in a cave below the northern mountains and is protected by a door that can only be unlocked with a certain key.” Heiro read from the book.

  Thesia pulled something silver out of her pocket, “It’s referring to this key.” She said holding up a silver key with an onyx stone placed in the top of it.

  “You have the key to the door!? When he finds this out he will find you and kill you.” Heiro said excitedly.

  “I do not fear death.” Thesia said. She turned to Zander and grabbed him by the hand, “Zander as leader of the Order I ask that you and your friends join the Order and help us prevent the reawakening.” She said.

  “Yes we will help you, I’m
going to bring Vallus back from whatever dark place he is in right now.” Zander said. This had relieved her knowing they would help.

  “You would each make your parents proud, each of them were also members of the order.” Thesia explained.

  “Each of our parents?” Kerra asked.

  “Yes, that is why I believe it was fate you were brought together.” Thesia explained.

  A soldier walked into the room and gave a salute to the Baroness and her guests, “Your highness the Fire Drake’s squad is returning from their mission they should be here in a day’s time.” He reported.

  “Thank you Captain you are dismissed.” She said.

  “So who is this Fire Drake?” Zander asked.

  “The Fire Drake is the title we have given to our strongest warrior, for they are a master of fire magicks.” The baroness said.

  “A master of fire magick sounds pretty interesting; I hope to meet him soon.” Heiro said.

  Thesia began to laugh, “I believe you will, but for now you may go; but meet back here tomorrow for more discussion please.” Thesia said.

  They would definitely be back; they had so many questions that needed answering. They got up and walked out of the passage and down the stairs. As they left the estate they waved goodbye to the Baroness and headed back to the inn.

  “Zander are you okay with this? What if he doesn’t come back?” Kerra asked.

  “He will come back I swear he will.” He said.

  She knew from the look in his eyes he was determined, that had been one of the things she loved most about him. He never gave up. They were finally getting closer to bringing their friend home and one step closer to saving all of V’nairia.

  Chapter IX

  The Fire Drake

  Zander and the others had gotten up early the next morning anxious to meet with the Baroness again. They had so many questions that needed to be answered. There had been no sign of Ryder that morning, so they concluded that he must have gotten up earlier and left to run errands. They still had no idea what Ryder’s place was in the group, he was only supposed to guide them to the city. But they weren’t too worried about that for now. They knew they had to get to the mansion as soon as possible to meet Lady Thesia. They walked by Kerra’s room and tapped on the door. The door opened slowly as she walked out to greet them,

  “Are you ready?” Zander asked her.

  “Yes.” She said smiling at him. The three of them walked out of the inn and began to walk down the street towards Thesia’s estate.

  As they arrived the Baroness greeted them outside, “Good morning.” She said.

  The three of them bowed courteously and told her good morning. She motioned the three of them to come inside; upon entering her home they had followed her up the staircase to the portrait on the top floor once again. Inside the secret room she had tea and fresh muffins waiting for them.

  “Thank you for your kindness your highness.” Zander said.

  “Do not thank me; I should be thanking you for helping me.” Thesia said.

  “You wanted to meet with us today m’lady?” Heiro asked.

  The Baroness sipped her tea and gently placed the cup back on the table, “Yes we need to form a plan of action, and figure out where to send you next.” She said.

  “What do you suggest?” Kerra asked.

  “Well we have been watching you three ever since you left the capital, and I must say you are all quite skilled.” Thesia said praising them.

  “I am still a bit new when it comes to spell casting but I’ve been learning quickly.” Zander said.

  “You have natural talent inside of you, besides you have a splendid teacher. You all will grow much more powerful.” Thesia said.

  Suddenly they heard screams coming from inside the mansion, a man busted through the door. “M’lady, it’s the militia they’re attacking the city.” He said frantically.

  “He’s found us.” Zander said.

  None of this made any sense to the Baroness; their location had been kept secret. There was an informant somewhere either in the mansion or in the city itself, but they had no time to worry about it now. “How many men are there?” Thesia asked the man.

  “There is at least a few hundred, they have some men armed with guns and there are some with blades.” He said.

  The four of got up from their chairs and made their way back through the passage. “Get every available soldier you can find in the area to help outside, meanwhile send a few men to evacuate the civilians.” She explained to the man. He nodded and ran as fast as he could down the stairs and out the door.

  “What should we do?” Heiro asked.

  “You three will guard me, I am merely a diplomat and leader of the organization but I have no battle skills or experience.” The Baroness said.

  “Who will lead them men outside?” Kerra asked.

  “I’m sure the Fire Drake already has that covered.” Thesia said.

  They finally made it down to the entrance and looked out the windows; they saw the soldiers from the militia battling the soldiers from the city. “There are so many of them.” Zander said.

  “Zander you and Heiro help outside, I can protect the Baroness.” Kerra spoke up. Zander turned to look at her, he was frightened.

  “You can’t protect her alone.” He said.

  “I’m not helpless, I can handle this, just go.” Kerra said.

  “Absolutely not, you’ll both get killed.” Heiro said.

  Zander could see the determination in her eyes, if she believed she could do it then he had to believe in her too. “Alright, but if it gets too bad take the back exit and get out of here.” Zander said as he and Heiro opened the door and ran out.

  “We will go to the ballroom and wait my lady.” Kerra said grabbing her hand and leading her away from the entrance.

  Outside Zander and Heiro joined the battle; they readied their weapons as a pair of soldiers ran at them with their blades drawn. They exchanged blow and with two quick swipes of their blades the soldiers went down.

  “Wind Art: Slicing Gale!” Zander shouted using his wind spell to take out a group of soldier to the east. Heiro used his fire magick to hit the group in the west.

  The soldiers had kept coming, “There seems to be no end to them.” Heiro said. They split up to take separate groups, when they saw another warrior enter the battle.

  The warrior wore a red mask, and was clad in armor. He ran towards the enemy, “Flame art: Flare Burst.” The warrior shouted throwing a ball of fire into the mass of soldiers. The fire ball expanded engulfing the men in the flames. The warrior pulled out a bow with three flaming arrows drawn and pointed it upward into the air. He shot the arrows into the air, “Flame Art: Scattered Fire Shower.” The warrior said as the small flames burst into streams of fire raining down from the sky. Many of the militia’s soldiers were set ablaze, screaming in pain.

  Zander and Heiro walked up to the mysterious man, “Who are you? That was incredible.” Zander asked.

  “Stay out of my way.” The man said walking past them. More soldiers were rushing in, Zander and Heiro took the chance to show off their skills. They cast their wind and fire spells, “Combination Art: Flame Vortex!” they shouted. The whirlwind of flame swept through the soldiers lifting them into the air. The warrior didn’t seem impressed at all and had ignored them.

  Inside the mansion, Kerra and Thesia had heard the glass from the front windows shatter and hit the floor. Kerra motioned the Baroness to remain silent. “Whatever happens to me I want you to run.” Kerra said to the Baroness.

  Kerra left her in the ballroom and walked out into the entrance, there were a couple of soldiers waiting for her. Kerra wasn’t the type to use weapons, in fact she despised them. She was a master of hand to hand combat, as well as a lighting magick user like her mother. One soldier ran at her and tried to strike her with their blade, but she caught it in her hands and kicked the man in the stomach. The two others came at her with fists this time, trying to o
verwhelm her. It hadn’t been a very successful attempt; she gave a roundhouse kick to one soldier in the head knocking him out. The last soldier stood in front of her with his weapon drawn, trying to carefully determine how to act.

  “Lightning Style: Thunder Crash!” she shouted as the bolt of lightning struck the soldier and threw him back against the wall. She ran back into the ballroom to meet back with the Baroness.

  “Are they gone?” she asked.

  “They definitely aren’t getting up for a while.” Kerra said smiling.

  The soldiers outside began to fire on the mansion with their guns and cannons. Parts of the building began to fall in, “We need to get out of here.” Kerra said as she grabbed Thesia’s hand and led here out of the room.

  They began to fire flaming arrows which caught the mansion on fire. Zander and Heiro had saw the flames and rushed inside. The Baroness and Kerra were lying in the entrance unconscious from smoke inhalation. Each grabbed one of the women and rushed outside, a safe distance from the collapsing building. The mysterious warrior had defeated most of the soldiers and the rest retreated.

  “Kerra are you okay?” Zander called out to her stroking her cheek.

  Her eyes opened and she looked up at him, “Took you long enough, we have to stop meeting like this.” She said trying to laugh but only began to cough. The Baroness also opened her eyes and slowly rose up.

  The warrior came over and joined them; Zander and Heiro were staring and admiring his armor. “You’re pretty powerful; I’m Zander from the capital.” He said holding out his hand, only to get it slapped away.

  “Ashe, you mustn’t be so rude they helped you did they not?” Thesia asked.

  “Did she just say Ashe?” Heiro asked.

  The warrior took off their mask; it was a girl with long red hair and red glowing eyes.

  “Yes mother, but it’s not like I needed it.” Ashe said.

  “Mother?” Zander asked looking at the Baroness.

  Thesia stood slowly; she was still feeling the effects of the smoke. “Yes Ashe is my daughter, she is known as the Fire Drake.” She said. They were all very confused by what the baroness had said, she never told them she had a daughter. “I know you must have a lot of questions, but here is not the place to discuss it. We will meet back at the inn.” She said as Ashe helped her up and walked her down the street to the inn.